Developing the Skill of Reflective Practice for EFL Teaching through Cognitive Coaching : A Case Study of the Pre-Service Teachers of English Education Program, Loei Rajabhat University

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พัชรินทร์ ดวงศรี
ฐรัณภรณ์ ธนานิธิกุลโรจน์


The objectives of this qualitative research were to study the pre-service teachers’ skill of reflective practice on teaching English before and after participating in the cognitive coaching process. Purposive sampling was applied to obtain 3 pre-service teachers with similar experiences in EFL teaching. They had no prior experiences on cognitive coaching process and reflective practice. The instruments included a self-assessment questionnaire, an observation form, and a semi - structured interview form. The data were collected in 2 phases: before and after cognitive coaching process. The cognitive coaching process included 4 steps: planning - group discussion on learning activities before implementation, interactive - implementation of learning activities in classrooms, reflective - group discussion and self-assessment through reflective practice on their own teaching performance, and application - using the knowledge learned to improve the teaching performances.

The findings were: 1) before the cognitive coaching process, the pre-service teachers showed the skill of reflective practice on action in 2 aspects: a quasi-reflective thinking which involved analyzing problems by using reasons and evidence with adoption instead of adaptation of theoretical knowledge, and a reflective thinking which involved changing the teaching and the problem solving strategies when they were not applicable. However, they still had a strong belief in theo- retical concept. 2) During the cognitive coaching process, it was found that the pre - service teachers’ state of mind had changed: their consciousness of what they were doing, what the problems were, and how to solve the problems was promoted; their efficacy, flexibility, and craftsmanship on EFL teaching were also shown with open-minded perception of others’ opinions. A concept and a practice of exchanging learning and teaching experiences as the start of the professional learning community were formed. 3) After cognitive coaching process, the skill of reflective practice in the 3 pre-service teachers was developed as they focused more on a contextual basis. They indicated that there was no fixed pattern of learning management; it varied according to the context and the factors; the theoretical knowledge was a guideline for a more appropriate alternative teaching/problem solving strategy. Learning through the experiences shared among peers and cognitive coaching by a more experienced person helped promoting their skill of reflective practice for solving problems and designing an appropriate EFL learning management more contextually.

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How to Cite
ดวงศรี พ., & ธนานิธิกุลโรจน์ ฐ. (2019). Developing the Skill of Reflective Practice for EFL Teaching through Cognitive Coaching : A Case Study of the Pre-Service Teachers of English Education Program, Loei Rajabhat University. Journal of Education, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, 30(2), 97–111. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

พัชรินทร์ ดวงศรี, มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเลย

ศศ.ด. (ภาษาอังกฤษ), ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ 

ฐรัณภรณ์ ธนานิธิกุลโรจน์, มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเลย

ศศ. ม. (ภาษาอังกฤษ), อาจารย์ สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ