Development of Adaptive Web-based Learning System on Mastery Learning Concept with Scaffolding to Enhance Learning Achievement of Undergraduate Students

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ธิดารัตน์ กุลณัฐรวงศ์
เกียรติศักดิ์ พันธ์ลำเจียก


The objectives of this study were 1) to develop an adaptive web-based learning system on the mastery learning concept with scaffolding to enhance learning achievement for undergraduate students to be efficiency 2) to study learning achievement of students who learned with adaptive web - based learning system and 3) to study satisfaction of students who learned with adaptive web - based learning system. The Multi - Stage Sampling was employed to study efficiency of an adaptive web-based learning system and selects the sample group of 30 first-year undergraduate students studied in the Faculty of Technical Education at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. The purposive selection was used to select the sample group to study their learning achievement, they were 30 first-year undergraduate students studied in the Faculty of Technical Education at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. The research instruments included adaptive web-based learning system, questionnaire for quality content and system, learning achievement test and questionnaire for satisfactions. The data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test dependent.

The results revealed that 1) the efficiency of the adaptive web-based learning system on mastery learning concept with scaffolding to enhance learning achievement of undergraduate students were 80.01 percent which the criterion of 80 percent. The evaluation of content and system development technique by the experts were totally appropriate at the much level (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.38, S.D. = 0.38 and gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.40, S.D.= 0.33). 2) the post - test scores were higher than the pre - test scores with statistically significant difference at the .05 level and 3) the student’s satisfaction of the adaptive web - based learning system was at the most satisfaction (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.56 , S.D. = 0.54).

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How to Cite
กุลณัฐรวงศ์ ธ., & พันธ์ลำเจียก เ. (2019). Development of Adaptive Web-based Learning System on Mastery Learning Concept with Scaffolding to Enhance Learning Achievement of Undergraduate Students. Journal of Education, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, 29(3), 45–55. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

ธิดารัตน์ กุลณัฐรวงศ์, ภาควิชาเทคโนโลยีและสื่อสารการศึกษา คณะครุศาสตร์อุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลธัญบุรี

ปร.ด.(เทคโนโลยีเทคนิคศึกษา), อาจารย์ 

เกียรติศักดิ์ พันธ์ลำเจียก, ภาควิชาเทคโนโลยีและสื่อสารการศึกษา คณะครุศาสตร์อุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลธัญบุรี

คด.(เทคโนโลยีและสื่อสารการศึกษา), รองศาสตราจารย์