The Relationship of the Hoop-Tam with the community landscape.

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Umpa Buarapa


The studies of the relationship of the Landscape in the Murals (Hoop-Tam) whit the landscape community in Wat Photharam, Wat Pa Lay Lai and Wat Yang Thuang Wararam in Mahasarakham province. This research found that, the first, Hoop-Tam are the Art mural for a recording about the historical and teachings of the Buddhism, beliefs of people in Esan. They are identities along with the Sim, represent the historical of the communities connected with a social, political, and significant are a ways of life and their relationship with the landscape surrounding the community. Hoop-Tam of Wat Photharam and Wat Pa Lay Lai mainly depicts the Forests, Trees, wildlife and varieties species of birds which are related to the past context are Dipterocarpus alatus forest, Dipterocarpus alatus forest, Tamarind forest and they are showed water resources, and represent about many water are rerated with the physical of the community are Wang Hin and Wang long canal, Nong jok swamp and related are way of life of the community in the area are an fishing and hunting. Finally, Hoop-Tam from Wat Yang Thuang Wararam represent the pictures about the forest, wildlife, hunting, framing and the ritual cremation related with the past of the physical are the forest and surrounded by agriculture area, this place does not have canal or swamp.


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How to Cite
Buarapa, U. (2021). The Relationship of the Hoop-Tam with the community landscape. Journal of Architecture, Design and Construction, 3(1), 29–40. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Umpa Buarapa, Faculty Architecture, Urban Design and Creative Arts, Mahasarakham University

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