Development of a Measurement Tool for Ethical Reasoning in Responsibility for Graduate Students: Application of a Script Concordance Test

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Chaiyut Kleebbua
Aree Imsombat


Measuring an individual’s ethical reasoning can be quite a challenge, for under certain circumstances, an obscurity of information or differences of contexts can obstruct one from making a clear-cut decision about what is right or wrong. This research, therefore, aimed to develop an ethical reasoning script concordance test (SCT), test the psychometric properties of the SCT items, and examine the construct validity of the SCT. The test was of the situational measurement type, comprising two situations. The hypothetical situations included in the test contained ethical issues related to graduate students’ everyday responsibilities. SCT scoring methods were developed from 10 professionals who worked in the fields that require extra professional responsibilities (teachers, engineers, and doctors). The quality of the test was tested with 30 graduate students. The results revealed that the test, which comprised 2 components -personal responsibility and public responsibility, had the IOC of 0.60-1.00, the Cronbach’s alpha was .72 in the personal responsibility scale and .71 in the public responsibility scale. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the construct validity. The chi-square and fit indices (gif.latex?\chi2= 6.27, df = 4, p = 0.18, RMSEA = 0.137, CFI = 0.92, TLI = 0.81, SRMR = 0.12) fitted the data significantly. The examination indicated that the test was a qualified measurement tool that could be used to assess students’ ethical reasoning. Instructors can also adopt the test as an additional responsibility assessment tool.

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