Duties of Authors

1. The author must certify that the submitted article has never been published anywhere.

2. The author must follow the format as described in “Guide for authors” when writing the article.

3. The author must cite the works of others if they have been used in the author’s own work, using the correct form of citation as specified by the journal.

4. The author must present factual data and information in his/her work; there must not be any perversion of data and information.

5. The author whose name appears in the article must have taken part in writing the article.

6. The author must declare all sources of funding received (if any).

7. The authors must not copy the work of others, as checked for plagiarism using the CopyCatch program, with a maximum allowed similarity of 20%.

8. The author must cooperate with the journal in providing additional data related to the submitted article even though the author has been informed of acceptance by the journal.

9. The author must certify that the submitted research article adheres to research ethics involving human subjects. Please provide a certificate from the human ethics committee (if any).

Duties of Reviewers

1. The reviewer should refuse to review the article in which the reviewer is a stakeholder such as being a project participant, knowing the author personally or other reasons. In that case, the reviewer should notify the editor to change the reviewer.

2. The reviewer’s suggestions should be based on academic principles. He/She should not use personal opinion with no supporting data as a criterion for making judgement on the article, and if the reviewer found overlaps of the article being read with other articles or other data sources, please notify the editor.

3. The reviewer must keep the reviewing confidential; he/she must not disclose any data relating to the article to other irrelevant persons.

Duties of Editor

1. The editor has the duty to consider the quality of articles and select appropriate articles to be published in The Journal of Educational Measurement Mahasarakham University: JEM-MSU, taking into account the objectives and scope of the journal.

2. The editor must select articles to be published only after they have been reviewed by  3 reviewers.

3. The editor coordinates with the editorial department, article reviewers and authors in order to make the operation go smoothly.

4. The editor must not publish any article that has already been published somewhere else.

5. The editor must not disclose data of the author and the reviewers to other irrelevant persons during the reviewing period of the article.

6. The editor must assign the article to the reviewer who has no competing interests; for example, the reviewer and the author must not work in the same institute.

7. If an author violates ethical standards, the editorial team must inform all authors listed in the article, including notifying the highest authority in the organization of the article owner. Moreover, consideration of articles by the implicated author will be suspended for a period of 5 years.