A Comparison of Collaborative Problem-Solving Ability and Product Quality of Lower Secondary School Students Receiving Different Feedback Models

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Nongtiya Malakun
Nuchwana Luanganggoon


The objectives of this research were to 1) compare the collaborative problem-solving abilities of the lower secondary school students receiving different feedback models, 2) compare the pre-participation collaborative problem-solving abilities of lower secondary school students receiving different feedback models with their post-participation collaborative problem-solving abilities, after participating in collaborative problem-solving activities, and 3) compare the product qualities of the lower secondary school students receiving different feedback models. The research was a quasi-experiment research. The sample consisted of 42 lower secondary school students of Khongchai Wittayakom School in Khongchai District, Kalasin Province in the academic year 2019, selected through purposive sampling. The research instruments consisted of a collaborative problem-solving ability scale, a product quality evaluation form, collaborative problem-solving activities, a post-feedback note and feedback models. The feedback models were the Knowledge of Corrective Result Feedback: KCR, the Knowledge of Corrective Result and Directive Feedback: KCR+DF, and the Knowledge of Corrective Result and Elaborate Feedback: KCR+EF. The sample was divided into 3 groups, having 14 students with mixed ability of collaborative problem-solving in each group. Each group received all of the 3 feedback models in all of the 3 activities. The basic statistics for data analysis consisted of the mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum values. The statistics used in hypothesis testing were Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Rank Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test.

The research findings were as follows:

1) The collaborative problem-solving abilities of the lower secondary school students in the same group but receiving different feedback models with different periods of time and different collaborative problem-solving activities, were not different. Also, the collaborative problem-solving abilities of the students of different groups, receiving different feedback models with the same periods of time and the same collaborative problem-solving activities, were not different.

2) The pre-participation collaborative problem-solving abilities of the lower secondary school students receiving different feedback models were different from their post-participation abilities after participating in collaborative problem-solving activities, with statistical significance at the .05 level.

3) The students receiving different feedback models had different product qualities, with statistical significance at the .05 level. The students receiving the Knowledge of Corrective Result and Elaborate Feedback (KCR+EF) had scores of product quality higher than those receiving the Knowledge of Corrective Result and Directive Feedback (KCR+DF) and the students receiving the Knowledge of Corrective Result Feedback (KCR), respectively.

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