Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics
Kalasin University Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Innovation implements at least three experts with full knowledge and expertise related to the area of content as reviewers. The journal utilizes double-blinded peer reviewing process and the reviewers absolutely have no gain and loss with authors.
Reviewers provides 4 final results as:
1) publication approval with no further edits/corrections,
2) publication approval with edits/corrections as suggested,
3) publication approval with edits/corrections as suggested to be reviewed again,
4) publication reject.
To fulfill international publication process standard, the journal specifies publication ethics as follow:
Authors’ Authorities
1. Authors shall submitted articles/manuscripts that have never been submitted or published elsewhere before.
2. Authors shall provide genuine and sufficient references when citing others’ work.
3. Authors shall follow the journal’s format strictly.
4. Authors shall specify genuine co-authors/co responding in the submitted articles.
5. Authors shall not copy or claim authorship upon others’ work.
6. Authors shall grant full copyright of the articles/manuscripts to the journal before publication process and shall not submit them elsewhere after publication approval.
7. Authors shall follow laws and regulations about human and animal rights strictly. Permission approval is needed before the studies involving humans and animals are carried out.
Editors’ Authorities
1. Editors shall consider all submitted articles/manuscripts according to their contents as well as work validity and quality before publication process.
2. Editors shall always provide sufficient academic feedback without bias toward race, gender, belief, culture, political point of views, and origin against authors.
3. Editors shall have no gain and lost with authors or reviewers. Editors shall not seek any profit from publication and shall not claim any authorship upon the submitted articles/manuscripts.
4. Editors shall not edit, correct, or alter reviewing results from the reviewers and shall not block or interfere data/information between reviewers and authors.
5. Editors shall follow journal’s regulations, rules, and procedures strictly.
Reviewers’ Authorities
1. Reviewers shall focus on articles/manuscripts’ quality and shall always provide genuine reviews under academic principles without bias and personal attitude.
2. Reviewers shall not seek any profits from the submitted articles/manuscripts.
3. Reviewers shall have full knowledge and expertise upon the reviewing work.
4. Reviewers shall inform the editorial office immediately if plagiarism violations are found in the submitted articles/manuscripts.
5. Reviewers shall finish the works within time limitation without revealing any data/information from the submitted articles/manuscripts.
Note: Translated and updated information from Committee on Publication Ethics ( and Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) Centre (