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Patsuntorn Chinpuvadol
Assist. Prof. Dr.Wachira Boonyanet


This independent study aims to study the expectation gap on auditing between auditors and financial statements’ users focusing on auditors’ roles and responsibilities, understanding of auditor's report, auditor independence and auditor’s liability. The study adopts a survey research using questionnaires as data collection tool. Both descriptive and inferential statistics; Mann-Whitney U Test, are used to analyse the data.

This descriptive result shows that in the overall, financial statements’ users are more likely to have higher audit expectation than auditors in all matters, especially understanding of auditor's report and auditors’ roles and responsibilities, while the least audit expectation is auditor independence. Moreover, at 0.05 significant level from hypothesis testing of expectation gap, the significant difference is understanding of auditor's report in which financial statements’ users expect auditor to disclose audit procedures in auditor’s report. Also, auditors are more likely to issue key audit matters in order to reduce their responsibilities in identifying material misstatements on financial reports. This study benefits to regulators who intend to reduce the audit expectation gap based on this present study.

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