The Positive Effects of Consumer Psychology on Marketing within Businesses


  • Cheyenne Sheard Stamford International University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Kewarin Tantong Stamford International University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Ryan Lee Wiley Stamford International University, Bangkok, Thailand


Consumer psychology, Consumer behavior, Marketing tactics, Persuasive technique, Pricing strategy


In the twenty-first century, highly refined marketing processes and procedures are the primary catalysts driving corporate sales. The process can be improved, however, by using consumer behavior and psychological knowledge to create more targeted and effective advertisements. While there is a broad scope of literature discussing the effects of modern marketing campaigns, this article specifically examines the positive effects of consumer psychology on marketing in contemporary businesses environments. This study focused on three core aspects: how subconscious advertising impacts businesses, the power of persuasive techniques, and the psychological tactics used to create pricing strategies. The authors curated data from narrative literature using qualitative thematic analysis, providing an in-depth and comprehensive review of the topic. The findings show how the use of smell, sublimation, and color appeals are used to influence consumer preferences. In addition, the strategy of encouraging emotional attachments to products using emotional triggers was also analyzed and explained. Finally, the process of applying psychological principals to create pricing strategies that affect purchase intention was explored. The conclusion of these findings suggest that consumer psychology has the power to positively affect marketing campaigns and elevate brand strength.


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