Article Style

(Valid from Vol 25 No 1 (2019))

1. Article Style and Content

    1.1. Articles that will be consider for publication include research articles, non-research articles and book reviews.

    1.2. Articles that are to be published must be high quality academic articles in Social Science or Humanities that are relevant to the fields of Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Legal Science, Economics, History and Arts and Cultural Studies with the main focus on Europe as well as its relations and roles in the world.


2. Language

    2.1. Manuscripts must be consistently written either in Thai or English throughout. In cases where the use of specific terminologies that are not in the main language of the article is necessary, authors are requested to translate or transcribe those terms into the article’s main language and to identify the terminology in the original language in the parentheses e.g. Enlightenment (Aufklärung). 

    2.2. Authors are requested to thoroughly revise their manuscripts prior to submission. The editor may deny the publication of articles that contain serious grammatical or orthographical mistakes.

    2.3. Authors of Thai manuscripts are advised to follow the spellings, translations and transcriptions of the Royal Institute’s Dictionary.

    2.4. Authors of English manuscripts may use either British or American spelling conventions as long as they are consistently used throughout the article.


3. Metadata

    3.1. The article’s metadata includes article title, the author’s name and affiliation, abstract and keywords.

    3.2. In the case of Thai manuscripts, authors are requested to submit the article’s metadata both in Thai and English. In the case of English manuscripts, authors may submit the article’s metadata only in English. The editorial reserves the rights to deny articles with incomplete metadata according to the conditions written.

    3.3. Authors must identify their affiliation as educational institutions or workplaces in the academic fields in the faculty level and in the university level or equivalent. If not affiliated in the aforementioned fields, the authors may specify their current province of residence as their affiliation.

    3.4 Thai abstracts must not be more than half a page long. English abstract must be not exceed the maximum of 250 words.

    3.5. Authors must provide at least 3 but no more than 5 keywords.


4. Length

    4.1. The length of every style of article should be at least 10 A4 pages long but should not exceed the maximum of 25 A4 pages (2.5 cm on every side). This length does not include citations and bibliography.

    4.2. Authors are requested to specify page number on the bottom right of every page.


5. Manuscript Form and Formatting

    5.1. Authors are requested to use 16 pt TH Sarabun New in black, not bold and not italic in normal text and bibliography in both Thai and English manuscripts.

    5.2. Authors are requested to use Single/1.0 line spacing and use 8 between each paragraph. All paragraphs should be aligned to both left and right margins. Authors should use “Thai Distributed” for Thai manuscripts and “Justify” for English manuscript.   

    5.3. All new paragraphs are to be indented by 1 tab length.


6. Section and Subsection Headings

    6.1. The title of the article should follow the format specified in No. 5 but increase font size to 18 pt bold and use “Center” alignment for the title both in Thai and English.

    6.2. For the first level heading, authors are requested to follow the format specified in No. 5 but change the heading to bold and use “Align Left.” The First level heading should follow 1 blank line with no indent.

    6.3. For the second level heading, authors are requested to follow the format specified in No. 5 but add underline to the heading and use “Align Left.” The Second level heading should follow 1 blank line and 1 tab indent.

    6.4. For the third level heading, authors are requested to follow the format specified in No. 5 but change the heading to italic and use “Align Left.” The Third level heading should follow 1 blank line and 2 tabs indent.

    6.5. Authors may add subsection numbers with the following format: 1. --> 1.1. --> 1.1.1.


7. Figures, Tables and Charts

    7.1. Authors may include figures, tables or charts by attaching .jpg, .jpeg or .png files in their articles. Image files must be at least 300 ppi and big enough to be clearly visible in the published version.

    7.2. Inserted figures, tables and charts should be numbered consecutively and follow the same pattern throughout the article.

    7.3. Inserted figures, tables and charts should be accompanied by appropriate descriptions which are to be written under the inserted items. The description must follow the format specified in No. 5 but decrease font size to 12 pt and use “Center” alignment.


8. Endnotes

    8.1. Authors may insert endnotes in their manuscript by using Microsoft Word’s “Insert Endnote” option.

    8.2. Endnotes should be numbered consecutively and follow the same pattern throughout the article.

    8.3. Endnotes should follow the format specified in No. 5 but decrease font size to 12 pt without indent or tap. In the case of endnote citations, authors should follow the format specified by JES.


9. Citation and Bibliography

    9.1. Authors are requested to include the correct format of citations in their manuscript. If proven that the authors have plagiarized or violated the publication ethics, their articles will be instantly denied.

    9.2. Citations must be done in endnote style and follow the format specified by JES (see “Citation Style”). The editor may deny the publication of articles with incorrect citation formats.

    9.3. Authors may include bibliography at the end of their articles by following the format specified by JES (see “Citation Style”). The editor may deny the publication of articles with incorrect bibliography formats.


10. Copyright

    10.1. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use copyrighted materials from their owners. Authors are also responsible for observing requisite copyright laws and regulations when quoting or reproducing copyrighted materials. Quotations and reproductions of copyrighted sources without reference are considered as severe violation of academic conduct and may constitute a legal offence under the Copyright Act of B.E. 2537. The author(s) will take the sole responsibility in the case of copyright regulations violation.

    10.2. Articles that are selected for publication will be considered as articles under the copyright of Centre for European Studies (CES) at Chulalongkorn University. Therefore, the acts of reproducing, copying, modifying and publishing for commercial purposes without the authorization of CES is prohibited.


11. Submission Format

    11.1. Authors are requested to submit the manuscripts in .docx and .pdf files along with the attached figures, tables and charts in .jpg, .jpeg or .png format.

    11.2. Manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with conditions and procedures specified by JES (see “Submissions”).