Front National ภายใต้การนำของ Marine Le Penn: การปรับเปลี่ยนแนวทาง ปัจจัยต่อความนิยม และอนาคตของการเมืองฝรั่งเศส


  • สายลำภุญชย์ โปธิบาล นักวิชาการอิสระ กรุงเทพมหานคร


This article aims to study underlying difference between French right wing party-Front National (FN)-policies during the time of Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter, who later success him, Marine Le Pen. Right wing parties on the global scale have gained a significant presence on international media. France, as world’s political ideology leader, captured attention for this article’s research argument. It has been a key player in terms of freedom to express political opinion. However, FN’s popularity has remarkably jumped in French modern elections. Research shows that policies under Jean-Marie Le Pen’s leadership were shaped by extreme right perspectives. Conversely, Marine Le Pen emphasizes on the Party’s nationalist stance but added some other ‘generous’ policies. French society itself also became closer to nationalism, due to foreign migrant influx into Europe and its ineffective economic chronicle.


