An Application of Latent Profile Analysis in Group Classification and Study of the Relationship Between Assessment Literacy and Background of Teachers under the Office of the Private Education Commission of Chiang Mai Province
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This research aimed to classify groups and study the relationship between assessment literacy and the background of teachers under the Office of the Private Education Commission of Chiang Mai Province, by studying 686 teachers obtained through multi-stage sampling. The research instruments included a 5-point rating scale questionnaire on teachers' assessment literacy, consisting of 80 items with an Item-Objective Congruence Index (IOC) ranging from 0.80 to 1.00, index of discrimination (rxy) ranging from 0.432 to 0.742, t-values ranging from 3.640 to 10.928, and a reliability () of 0.981. Data analysis employed latent profile analysis with the Mplus 7.4 program and Chi-square Analysis. The research findings were as follows:
The grouping of teachers based on their assessment literacy revealed that they could be classified into 3 groups. Group 1, the Accelerated Development Group in Assessment Literacy, had 58 teachers (8.455%). Group 2, the Basic Level Assessment Literacy Group, had 301 teachers (43.878%). Group 3, the Advanced Level Assessment Literacy Group, had 327 teachers (47.668%). (Ek=0.952, Likelihood=-2,356.576, AIC=3,493.660, BIC= 3,629.587, ABIC = 3,534.332, p-value=.005). Furthermore, the study revealed no significant relationship between gender, teaching experience, education level, and learning area groups with the differences in evaluation literacy groups. However, the level of education taught, the school setting, and the school size were significantly related at a significance level of .01.
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