Research Synthesis on Learning Management with Contemplative Education: A Meta-Analysis
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The research objectives were 1) to analyze the characteristics of research that used contemplative education in learning management and 2) to analyze the differences in the effect size of research, classified by characteristic variables of research that used contemplative education in learning management. The population consisted of researches on the learning process based on contemplative education, published from 2015 to 2022, totaling 304 titles. The sample consisted of 33 titles, purposively sampled. The tools used in the research included a research data extraction form and a research quality assessment form. The data analysis employed percentage, mean, standard deviation, effect size, a statistical test for the difference between two group means, and a statistical test for the difference between the means of over two groups.
The research results found that most of the researches that were published during 2015-2016 were experimental research. The results of the research quality assessment were very good. The results of the analysis of variance on the effect size revealed that research characteristics that made the effect size different at the statistical significance level of .05 were 1) basic characteristics of the research: year-of-publication variable and research-type variable; 2) the content of the research: theoretical-concept variable, and research-objective variable. 3) the research methodology: hypothesis-type variable, independent-variable-type variable, dependent-variable-type variable, sample-type variable, sample-selection-process variable, research-instrument variable, checking-the-quality-of-research-tools variable, research-design variable, basic-statistic variable, and statistic-for-hypothesis-testing variable.
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