The Guidelines for Utilizing the Assessment of Executive Function Skill in Research
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This article aims to review previous research related to the assessment of executive function (EF). EF skill is controlling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors so they are expressed appropriately in the situation one is facing, to achieve the goals (goal-directed behavior). EF continuously changes throughout one’s life and it is important for human development. Therefore, in assessing the EF skill, it is necessary to choose methods that are suitable for research objectives, elements of EF to be assessed, and the age of the sample, so that the assessment results can indicate the level of EF skill as close to reality as possible. This article describes 3 types of assessment (i.e., behavioral rating scale, performance-based assessment, and brain imaging). Each type reveals information from different contexts i.e., normal situations, challenging situations under standard conditions, and related areas of brain function, respectively. In addition, this article also presents the analysis of the strengths and limitations of each type, guidelines for selecting assessment methods, and examples of research that assessed EF skills in Thailand, so that researchers can choose an appropriate method for their research design.
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