Effect of Wastefulness of Government Spending Reduction Development on Growth of University-Industry Collaboration in R&D and Quality of the Education System: A Parallel Latent Growth Curve Modeling

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Theerayuth Phiriyaarayakul
Nattapon Anantanasan
Chayut Piromsombat


The purposes of this study were 1) to analyze a latent growth curve model of development of wastefulness of government spending reduction, university-industry collaboration in R&D, and quality of the education system, and 2) to analyze a parallel latent growth curve model of wastefulness of government spending reduction development on growth of university-industry collaboration in R&D and quality of the education system. The present study reports the results of a secondary data analysis that used parallel latent growth curve modeling to examine growth trajectories of university-industry collaboration in R&D and quality of the education system over a ten-year period (2009 - 2018) with data from a sample (N = 126) of countries across the world. Data analysis was performed by using descriptive, and multivariate analysis technique including the mean, standard deviation, latent growth curve modeling (LGCM), and parallel latent growth curve modeling (Parallel LGCM).
The results suggest that the latent growth curve model of wastefulness of government spending reduction development (gif.latex?\chi&space;^2(3, N = 126) = .3.439, p = .328, relative chi-square = 1.146, TLI = .997, CFI = .998, RMSEA = .036, SRMR = .018), the university-industry collaboration in R&D (gif.latex?\chi&space;^2(4, N = 126) = 4.717, p = .312, relative chi-square = 1.179, TLI = .997, CFI = .998, RMSEA = .039, SRMR = .077), and the quality of the education system (gif.latex?\chi&space;^2(5, N = 126) = .920, p = .314, relative chi-square = .184, TLI = .997, CFI = .998, RMSEA = .040, SRMR = .058) were valid and well fitted to the empirical data.
The parallel latent growth curve model found that countries with high levels of quality of the education system had a low university-industry collaboration in R&D (gif.latex?\beta = -.298, p < .001), while countries with high levels of university-industry collaboration in R&D
had a low quality of the education system (gif.latex?\beta = -.382, p < .001). Furthermore, a negative linear change in wastefulness of government spending reduction reduced the effects of university-industry collaboration in R&D and quality of the education system longitudinally (gif.latex?\beta = -.644, p < .001 and gif.latex?\beta = -.155, p = .267 respectively).

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