The Effects of Socially Desirable Responding on Quality of Moral Test for Grade 4 - 6 Students
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The objectives of this research were 1) to develop and verify the quality of the moral test for grade 4–6 students that the researcher had developed, 2) to study grade 4–6 students' responses to the moral test, as the grade 4–6 students were divided into groups by their responses to the social desirability test, and 3) to compare the pre-grouping quality and the post-grouping quality of the moral test that the researcher had developed for grade 4–6 students, based on their responses to the social desirability test. The sample consisted of 848 students who were studying in grade 4–6 in the academic year 2020 in the schools under Mahasarakham Educational Service Area Offices, obtained through multistage random sampling. The research tools were: a moral test for grade 4–6 students that the researcher had developed—¬¬a 3-choice situational scale with 32 items, and a student characteristics test for primary school students: a social desirability responding scale developed by AREA SIG research group, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University—¬¬a 5-point rating scale, with 20 items.
The research results are as follows:
1) The moral test for grade 4–6 students consisted of 32 items and was divided into 5 parts: honesty, responsibility, patience, discipline, and gratitude. The construct validity of the test showed that the moral test for grade 4–6 students was consistent with the empirical data, having the Chi-Square = 46.435, df = 44, P-value 0.3723 RMSEA = 0.014, 0.030, CFI = 0.997, TLI = 0.995, the item-total correlation between 0.183 to 0.423, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient = 0.795.
2) The grade 4–6 students' responses to the moral test were classified into 5 groups according to the results of social desirability responses, from very low-socially desirable response to very high-socially desirable responses (SDR1-SDR5). It was found that the SDR5 had the highest mean of 84.22, and the SDR1 had the lowest mean of 75.36. When each group's moral test results were compared, it was found that the scores were different, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
3) The comparison of the pre-grouping quality with the post-grouping quality of the moral test for grade 4–6 students that was developed by the researcher, based on their responses to the social desirability, revealed that when considering the common item slope parameter (αi) before grouping the test takers according to their social desirability responding, it was from -0.65 to 1.39; and after grouping the test takers according to their social desirability responding, it was from 0.18 to 1.28. When considering the Category threshold, (βij) of each item, before grouping β1 was from -15.62 to 0.04, β2 was from -3.91 to 13.52, after grouping β1 was from -5.27 to -0.95, β2 was from -2.16 to 4.02, and it was ordering threshold. The results of information functions of the moral test for grade 4–6 students showed that the value before grouping was higher than after grouping within the same estimated test takers' ability.
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