Development of a Program Theory to Evaluate the Policy of Managing Education for the Life-Quality Improvement Based on Environmentally-Friendly Approaches
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This research aimed to develop a program theory to evaluate the policy of managing education for the life-quality improvement based on environmentally-friendly approaches in schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The development comprised 3 steps: Step 1, drafting the preliminary program theory conceptual framework from the study of related documents and researches with document synthesis, Step 2, adjusting the program theory conceptual framework in the light of comments and suggestions of intended users by synthesizing data from semi-structured interviews, Step 3, checking the feasibility of the program theory from the data collected from the actual performance of the schools under the case study by comparing the performance of the school, using the data recorded. The results revealed that the program theory for evaluation of the policy of managing education for the life-quality improvement based on environmentally-friendly approaches consisted of 9 factors and 25 indicators. That is, Part 1, evaluation of policy implementation comprised: 3-factor interventions which were policy communication, policy monitoring, and resource support; 3-factor determinants which were understanding the policy, attitude and acceptance of the policy, and policy setting in schools; and 1-factor outcome which was policy-based organizing for learning. Part 2, policy outcome evaluation comprised: 2-factor outcomes which were environmental change from learning and environmental literacy in the students.
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