Mental Health and Related Factors of Students in the Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University

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Wanpattaraporn Siriphokeaw
Somprasong Senarat
Narumon Saengprom


The objective of this research was to investigate mental health-related factors of students in the Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University. The research instrument was a questionnaire, having 3 parts: Part 1: General Information, Part 2: Psychosocial Factors and Part 3: Thai Mental Health Indicator - 15 (TMHI-15). The population of this study was the 3,497 students in the Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University.  The sample, determined according to the Krejcie & Morgan table, consisted of 400 students, obtained through stratified random sampling. The sample was classified into year classes, 1 to 4. Then the students in each year class were selected, using simple random sampling. The data analysis of the demographic data and psychosocial factors of the sample employed descriptive statistics: frequency and percentage. The relationships between mental health-related factors were analyzed by using inferential statistics: Chi-square, error and confidence interval of 95 percent. The analysis of predictive factors of mental health was conducted by using the multiple logistic regression model.                                                                                           

The results revealed the demographic data as follows: most of the students were females, parents living together, having no underlying diseases, no medical history of psychiatric treatment, no family history of psychiatric treatment. In terms of psychosocial factors, it was found that all in the sample had stress-induced events. Most of them were financial problems (92.00%). They dealt with the problems by consulting friends (93.00%) and the spiritual anchor was the family (93.75%).

Regarding the predictive factors of mental health, those with couple counseling had lower risk of mental health than people in general, the lowest. This aspect had the highest influence, followed by friend counseling, friend as spiritual anchor, teacher/lecturer counselling, parent loss problem, health problems, parent counseling, family as spiritual anchor and financial problems, with odd ratios of 12.61, 3.54, 2.17, 0.33, 0.20, 0.11, 0.16, 0.05 and 0.02 respectively, with a statistical significance at the .05 level. All independent variables could predict possible risk of mental health lower than people in general, at 20.2% (R2 of Cox & Snell) and 32.2% (R2 of Nagelkerke). And this model could predict the number of people with mental health lower than people in general, with accuracy up to 84.5 %.

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