An Analysis of Multidimensional Construct with Multidimensional Pairwise Preference Format

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Nurseeta Phoesalae
Nuttaporn Lawthong
Siwachoat Srisuttiyakorn


The Multidimensional Pairwise Preference (MDPP) format is a sub-format of the forced choice format. Its important property is to present respondents with two statements similar in social desirability (SD) but different in dimension. There are now research-based recommendations for constructing MDPP measures in order to score with MUPP IRT Model efficiently. Construction of MDPP measures is divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 deals with developing many statements representing different personality dimensions, administering the statements to a group of judges instructed to evaluate each statement, administering the statements to a group of participants instructed to rate themselves, estimating item parameters for the individual statement, collecting and storing the statements into an item bank. Phase 2 deals with developing measures by pairing statements similar in desirability but representing different dimensions. Phase 3 deals with analyzing the scores of the respondents.

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