The Research and Development to Enhance the Scores in the Ordinary National Educational Testing by Curriculum-Based Teaching Model with Integration of English with Learning through Lesson Study and Online Supervision

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Khak Boonmatun
Itsaraporn Chaingam


The purposes of this research were to study 1) conditions, problems and needs of teacher development, 2) development of a teaching model, 3) development of teachers by using the teaching model, 4) the teaching outcome, 5) satisfactions, problems, obstacles, and suggestions on the teaching model, 6) students' scores in the Ordinary National Education Test, 7) students' English language skills and opinions, and 8) revision of the teaching model. This research followed the research & development methodology (R & D) and was divided into 4 phases: 1) Qualitative Research (R1) with the following activities: interviewing 40 grade 9 teachers of whom 20 were under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 40 and the other 20 were from municipal schools in the academic year 2017. They were purposively selected and they voluntarily participated in the study. 2) Development (D1) with the following activities: synthesizing documents and data from the study on conditions, problems and needs of teacher development in order to develop an instructional model; 3) Research  (R2) with 3 activities:  3.1) developing 40 Grade 9 teachers in the academic year 2017, who were purposively selected, had enough time and volunteered to participate in the research basing on the quasi-experimental one group pre-posttest design by using the instructional model as a research instrument; 3.2) studying the outcomes of the instructional practice of the 40 Grade 9 teachers by using the following instruments: an evaluation form for the plans of organizing for learning, a record for teaching practice, a teacher satisfaction questionnaire, an English skills assessment form, and a questionnaire inquiring the teacher's opinions. Data were collected through the process of lesson study and online supervision; and 3.3) studying 400 students' English language scores in Ordinary National Education Test and opinions by using the following instruments: a summary form, an English skills assessment form and a questionnaire inquiring opinions; and 4) Development (D2) that dealt with revision of the instructional model.

The research findings were as follows:

1) Regarding the condition, the teachers organized learning by using documents and publisher publications. The important problem was that the students could not receive the required learning. The teachers wanted to develop themselves systematically, starting from curriculum analysis to classroom action research by integrating English with communication. Teachers should be developed by training and class observation with experts or academics as mentors who could be contacted at all times. 

2) The instructional model, also called PKAAN Model, consisted of 6 components:  1) concept: creation of the body of knowledge; 2) preparation; 3) knowledge development;  4) teaching; 5) evaluation; and 6) new steps.

3) The result of the teacher development revealed that the teachers showed significant improvement after being trained to employ curriculum-based instructional practice and the integration of English with the learning content (p-value < 0.01). The teachers were also satisfied with the training at the highest level.

4) The results of teachers’ teaching by using the teaching model showed that:   4.1) in 3 rounds of evaluation of the plans of organizing for learning, it was found that in round 1, round 2, and round 3  the teachers prepared the plans of organizing for learning by making curriculum analysis, with the percentage of 42.50, 70.00 and 100 respectively; 4.2) regarding the outcome of teaching through 3 times of lesson study and online supervision, it was found that, from the first to the third time, the teachers made critical reviews of the plans of organizing for learning and their teaching was observed by peer-teachers, with the percentage of 35.00, 52.50 and 90.00 respectively. 4.3) the teachers were highly satisfied with the teaching by using the model. 4.4) concerning 3 times of self-evaluation of teachers' English skills, it was found that, from the first to the third time, the teachers’ English communication skills were at level 1, indicating complete inability to understand or speak, with the percentage of: 92.50, 72.50 and 27.50 respectively.

5) The teachers’ opinions on the instructional practice were highly satisfactory. The problems and obstacles were that the teachers and peer-teachers did not have time for making critical judgment on the instructional plan and for making observation in class. They also did not have enough knowledge or expertise for making critical judgment on the instructional plan.

6) The scores of 2017 Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) of students taught with the instructional model were higher than those of 2016.

7) The students conducted 3 times of self-evaluation on English skills, it was found that from the first to the third time, the students had their English skills in level 2, indicating basic proficiency to use the language, with the percentage of 96.00, 61.75 and 18.50 respectively. The students’ opinions on the instructional model were at the high level.

8) The curriculum-based teaching model and the integration of English with the learning content, also called the PKAAN Model, consisted of 6 parts: 1) concept: creation of the body of knowledge; 2) preparation; 3) knowledge development; 4) teaching; 5) assessment; and 6) new steps.

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