Innovation in Organizing for Learning Based on Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Using the Professional Learning Community

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Khak Boonmatun


This research aimed to 1) study innovation and components of innovation, 2) develop innovation, 3) study the factors that affect the application of innovation, 4) study the results of the application of innovation, and 5) evaluate the innovation. The research employed research and development methodology (R&D), consisting of 5 phases as follows: 1) quantitative research (R1), dealing with the study of the types and components of innovation. The target group consisted of 800 teachers who were selected through multi-stage randomization. The instrument was a questionnaire; 2) development (D1), dealing with creation of an innovation in organizing for learning based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, having the innovation assessed by experts, using an assessment form, and followed by a tryout of the innovation; 3) quantitative research (R2) dealing with the study of the factors that affect the implementation of the innovation. The target group consisted of 384 teachers. The instrument was a questionnaire. 4) experimental research (R3), dealing with trying out the innovation following quasi-experimental time-series design. The activities were carried out through professional learning community, consisting of 3 phases: 4.1) collecting data on organizing for learning from 15 purposively-selected teachers who volunteered to dedicate time to participate in the study, in 2019; 4.2) developing the 15 teachers on their teaching by training, using the innovation in organizing for learning based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, following quasi-experimental one group pre-posttest design. After the training, the pretest and posttest scores were compared, using t–test; and  4.3) studying the outcomes of the teachers’ teaching; and 5) evaluation research (R4), dealing with an evaluation according to the CIPP model by giving a questionnaire to the 15 teachers and another questionnaire to 300 students who had learned with the teachers, 20 from each classroom.

The findings were as follows: 1) the innovation in organizing for learning based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, which means using the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy as the basis of the development of the innovation in organizing for learning, consisted of  8 components: 1.1) the process of organizing for learning, 1.2) objectives, 1.3) principles,  1.4) measurement and evaluation, 1.5) philosophy, 1.6) theory, 1.7) goals, 1.8) knowledge management, drawing the lessons and best practice; 2) the model of organizing for learning based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy consisted of 8 components: 1. philosophy, 2. theory, 3. principles, 4. goals, 5. objectives, 6. the process of organizing for learning, 7. measurement and evaluation, and 8. knowledge management, drawing the lessons and best practice; 3) the factors that affected the authentic implementation of the innovation in organizing for learning based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (Y) included: the atmosphere of organizing for learning (A), the teacher (B), the innovation (C), the environmental setting (D), and the learners (E).  It was predicted that the learners could actually use 61.8% of the content, as represented by the equation of the following raw and standard scores.

Y= 1.179 + .481 (A) + .503 (B) + .506 (C) + .391 (D) + .389 (E)

Z= .330 (A) + .283(B) + .453(C) + .281(D) + .245(E)

4) The results of the implementation showed that teachers can organize for learning according to the model of organizing for learning by using the following topic questions: 1) What to know? 2) How much to know? and 3) Where to know? These questions can make students enthusiastic about learning and being technology-driven in their study. 5) The results of the CIPP model assessment on the satisfaction of both the teachers and students with the innovation, on the whole, were at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.33, S.D. =.02).

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