Creating and Quality Testing of Metacognition Multidimensional Subjective Test

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Pornwimon Rawanprakhon
Sombat Tayraukham


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop a metacognition multidimensional subjective test, 2) create scoring rubrics for the metacognition multidimensional subjective test, and 3) find the quality of the metacognition multidimensional subjective test. The population consisted of students in the upper secondary school level in schools under the Offices of Secondary Educational Service Area in the Northeast Region. The sample consisted of 1,222 students in the upper secondary school level in 29 schools under the Offices of Secondary Educational Service Area in the Northeast Region, obtained through simple random sampling technique, using the school as the sampling unit. The tool was a multidimensional subjective metacognitive-ability test of 9 items. The statistics used were the mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis, alpha coefficient, the multidimensional analysis employing EAP reliability, and multidimensional random coefficients multinomial logit model (MRCMLM).

The findings were as follows:

1) The multidimensional subjective metacognitive-ability test consisted of 9 questions, 6 elements.

2) The expert’s opinion about the scoring rubrics of the multidimensional subjective metacognitive-ability test was at the highest level (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 2.67) and the Inter-Rater Reliability (IRR) was .994.

 3) The quality of the multidimensional subjective metacognitive-ability test was as follows:   3.1) Regarding the structural validity, the multidimensional model was better fitting than the unidimensional model. In the analysis using a confirmatory factor analysis, the model was fit to the empirical data. The CFA = 3.972 (df = 3, p = .265), GFI = .995, AGFI = .985,  RMR = .0048, RMSEA = .0163. 3.2) Thresholds were used as cut scores. In each dimension, there were 4 difficulty levels, so there were 4 cutting points. The students’ ability was divided into 5 levels. It was used to interpret and diagnose students.  3.3) The EAP reliability was from .714 to .853. The reliability (alpha coefficient) was from .707 to .752.

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