Contemplative Education and Adaptation of Learners in Disruptive Innovation Era

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Neidniyamart Wannapayun


Contemplative education is a learning process undertaken thoughtfully by the mind. It truly emphasizes development of the mindset, the mind, and the internal emotion for self-awakening and awareness, for knowing the value of things without any bias, leading to love, kindness, and public mind, and it can be applied and linked to various sciences used in daily life with balance and preciousness. With this reason, contemplative education is considered as both a concept and a practical guideline aiming to generate learning for changes in various levels, which are internal changes, organizational changes, and social changes. 

In organizing for learning in the disruptive innovation era, the important factor is a global growth mindset, or a conceptual process for universal growth. To be successful in organizing for learning, learning process is more important than learning achievement. In organizing for learning, the teacher is required to build motivation on the use of new innovations and technology to stimulate students to have enthusiasm to learn through learning by doing. The learning process of contemplative education focuses on practices leading to internal changes that results in self-confidence and self-esteem stimulation. Consequently, the students will have life immunity to live their lives with balance under the current rapid changes. It will lead to having citizens with readiness for making the country advanced on internal wisdom and external wisdom that keep up with changes which consequently they will become thought leaders, practical leaders, and innovative leaders in the future.

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