Exploratory Factor Analysis with Small Sample Sizes of School-Community Collaboration

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Natthapon Anantanasan
Chayut Piromsombat
Suwimon Wongwanich


The purposes of this research were to analyze the exploratory factors of school-community collaboration with small sample sizes in student, teacher, school administrator and learning center worker groups. The survey sample was divided into 4 groups: 30 students, 30 teachers, 30 school administrators from 30 higher secondary schools, and 16 workers from learning centers in Chiang Mai Province. The research instruments were questionnaires inquiring about school-community collaboration, with reliability coefficients of .731-.897. The analysis of data employed descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient, the Bartlett's Test of Sphericity, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (KMO), principal component analysis (PCA) and regularized exploratory factor analysis (REFA) which is suitable for small sample sizes.

The results showed that the school-community collaboration in the 4 groups had the KMO value of .586-.877. The collaboration had 3 components: 1) openness to community involvement (OCI), 2) awareness for community involvement (ACI) in the student group or vision for community involvement (VCI) in the teacher group, school administrator group and learning center worker group, and 3) commitment to learning (CTL). These components were able to explain 78%-87% of the total variance.

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