Effects of Existential Group Counseling with Music on Sense of Coherence of Undergraduate Students
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The purposes of this research were 1) to compare the effects of sense of coherence of undergraduate students between the experimental group and the control group in the post-experimental and follow-up stages, 2) to compare the effects of sense of coherence of undergraduate students in the experimental group in the pre-experimental, post-experimental and follow-up stages. The sample consisted of 14 undergraduate students of Khon Kaen University, Nongkhai Campus, aged between 18-22 years, who voluntarily participated in the research. The measure of sense of coherence, developed by Somporn Suthasanee (2002) was utilized. The scores from the moderate level down to the rather low ones were rearranged in ascending order, and then the Match-pair method was used to divide the sample into 2 groups, the experimental group and the control group, each group consisted of 7 people. The experimental group received 12 times of existential group counseling with music, twice a week, 60-90 minutes each time. The instruments used in this study was the sense of coherence test which was a 7-point rating scale, having the IOC from 0.50 to 1.00 and a reliability of 0.97, and counseling programs for the existential group with music. The statistics used for data analysis comprised the mean, standard deviation and repeated measures analysis of variance, one between subjects variable and one within subjects variable, and Bonferroni pair test at the statistical significance level of .05.
The research found that: 1) The sense of coherence of the experimental group in the post-experimental ( = 244.86, S.D. = 21.49) and the follow-up stages (
= 243.43, S.D. = 26.28) was higher than the control group in the post-experimental (
= 199.29, S.D. = 13.05) and the follow-up stages (
= 207.57, S.D. = 6.48) with statistical significance at the level of .05; and 2) The sense of coherence of the experimental group in the post-experimental (
= 244.86, S.D. = 21.49) and the follow-up stages (
= 243.43, S.D. = 26.28) was higher than the pre-experimental stage (
= 199.57, S.D. = 11.84) with statistical significance at the level of .05.
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