Development of Multidimensional Test of Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills for Lower Secondary School Students

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Laiat Wongphummueang
Araya Piyakun


This study aimed to develop a multidimensional scale of collaborative problem- solving skills for lower secondary school students. The population consisted of 405,605 lower secondary school students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Offices in the academic year 2018. The sample comprised 500 lower secondary school students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Offices in the academic year 2018 obtained through stratified random sampling.

The findings were as follows: The test had 27 items. The social skills had 3 indicators with 18 items. The thinking skills had 2 indicators with 9 items. The examination of the structural validity of the multidimensional model revealed that the statistical value of G2 was lower than that of the unidimensional model (G2=19,950.157 and 19,963.314, respectively). The AIC value of the multidimensional model was lower than that of the unidimensional model (AIC = 20,064.157 and 20,073.314, respectively). The result of the statistical hypothesis test with chi-square revealed more consistency between the multidimensional model and the empirical data than that of the unidimensional model (gif.latex?\chi2 =13.157, df = 2, a = .01). The result of validation through each statistical analysis showed that the values of OUTFIT MNSQ were between .650 and 1.170. The values of INFIT MNSQ were between .810 and 1.350. The value of EAP reliability was .787 in social skills, and the value of EAP reliability in thinking skills was .767.

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กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ. สถิติทางการศึกษา 2561. [Internet] 2018 [updated 2018 June 30; cited 2018 July 11]. Available from:

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