Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Scale Measuring Creativity disposition of Thai innovators

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Weeraphol Saenpanya
Ratchaneekorn Upasen
Somkeirt Keawkhosaba


The purpose of this research was to develop indicators and examine the construct validity of the scale measuring creativity disposition of Thai innovators. The sample consisted of 162 Thai innovators (108 males and 54 females) who responded to the 27 items of creativity disposition scale developed by the researcher. Confirmatory factor analysis was employed in the analysis of data.

The results of the research were as follows: 1) the creativity disposition of Thai innovators consists of 8 indicators: 1.1) exposure to new knowledge and experience, 1.2) learning characteristics, 1.3) liking for thinking and solving problems, 1.4) characteristics of values ​​and beliefs, 1.5) characteristics of creation and working, 1.6) self-image, 1.7) characteristics of motivation 1.8), characteristics of emotions and feelings. 2) The first confirmatory factor analysis found that the model for measuring the creativity disposition of Thai innovators was consistent with the empirical data. The value of the goodness of fit test statistics were as follows: gif.latex?\chi2 (17, N=162) = 15.74, p = .54, CFI (comparative fit index) =1.00 TLI (Tucker-Lewis index) = 1.00 , SRMR  (standardized root mean square residual) = .02, RMSEA( root mean square error of approximation) = .00,  AIC (Akaike information criterion) = 1929.68 and gif.latex?\chi2/df = 0.93. And it was found that the composition weight of every indicator was statistically significant (p <.01). The composition weight value in the standard score was between .66 - .88. The indicator having significant weight and could explain the creativity disposition of Thai innovators most was the characteristics of creation and working (β = .88, R2 = .77). Meanwhile, 2 indicators could explain the creativity disposition of Thai innovators least were characteristics of motivation, and characteristics of emotions and feelings (β = .66, R2 = .44).

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