Development of Methods of Assessing Problem-Solving Skills in Organizing for Science Learning According to STEM Education Concept for Grade 10

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Yatima Sopanich
Tatsirin Sawangboon


The research objectives were: 1) to build and find the quality of methods of assessing problem solving skills in organizing for science learning according to STEM education concept for grade 10; 2) to develop a manual of methods of assessing problem solving skills in organizing for science learning according to STEM education concept for grade 10. The study was divided into 3 phases: Phase 1 was the study of methods of assessing problem solving skills in organizing for science learning according to STEM education concept, by interviewing 5 experts.  Phase 2 was for creating and finding the quality of methods of assessing problem solving skills in organizing for science learning according to STEM education concept, and trying them out with 30 students. Phase 3 was for development of problem solving skills assessment manual. The research instruments comprised an interview form and a suitability assessment form for the manual.  Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics: percentage, the mean and standard deviation. The results were as follows:

      1. Three methods of problem-solving skills in organizing for science learning according to STEM education concepts were developed: testing, observing and recording.

       2. The overall quality of the methods in terms of appropriateness was in the good level.

                2.1 The testing method had the method appropriateness in the good level.

                    1) The two-item subjective test had its content validity ranged from 0.80 -1.00, difficulty from 0.40 – 0.77, discrimination from 0.40 - 0.50, and the reliability was 0.88.

                    2) The twenty-item objective test had its content validity ranged from 0.60 -1.00, difficulty from 0.60 – 0.70, discrimination from 0.20 - 0.53 and the reliability was 0.79.

              2.2 The observing method had the method appropriateness in the good level and the reliability was 0.76.

             2.3 The recording method had the method appropriateness in the good level.

        3. The overall quality of the assessing manual was in the high level ( gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.96, S.D.=0.29).

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