Science Projects and Concrete Assessments

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Jeeranan Pumpimai


A science project organizes learner-centered learning activities. In doing so, the learner chooses his own topic to study, determines the problem according to his own interest, and solves the problem by himself systematically. The results of the study are presented in a step-by-step manner under the guidance, supervision and care of the teacher. Science projects are divided into 4 types: survey projects, experimental projects, developmental projects, and theoretical projects. Doing a science project comprises 6 steps: (1) thinking and choosing a project topic from problems or interesting issues; (2) project planning which is designing and drafting the science project; (3) working on the project as planned; (4) writing the project report to present all project details in the form specified; (5) presenting the project using the bulletin board and verbal presentation; (6) project assessment and development.  Project assessment requires assessment of scientific ability which consists of creative thinking, the use of scientific methods (scientific process skills), demonstration of the cognizance of the subject, showing sufficient evidences of the records. The assessment also must be made on the value of the project, the report writing, the project exhibition and presentation.

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