The Effectiveness and Retention of Chinese Sentence Learning for Communication, Using Songs and Traditional Teaching Method

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Supatchaya Sawatyothin


         The research entitled The Effectiveness and Retention of Chinese Sentence Learning for Communication, Using Songs and Traditional Teaching Method had the objectives to: 1) compare the effectiveness of Chinese sentence learning for communication between the group taught by using songs as a medium of instruction and the group taught by the traditional teaching method; 2) study the retention of the Chinese sentence learning for communication as the effects of teaching by using songs and traditional teaching method. The sample consisted of 77 students from all class years who enrolled in the Chinese Conversation for Daily Life course in the second semester of the academic year 2018 of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Surin Campus. The 77 students were divided into two groups: 39 students learned by using songs as a medium of instruction and the other 38 students learned by using the traditional teaching method. The research tools consisted of   1) 12 plans of organizing for learning using songs as a medium of instruction; 2) 12 plans of organizing for learning using the traditional teaching method. The allotted time was 2 hours a week, 24 hours totally; 3) a learning achievement test. The duration of the research was 15 weeks. The statistics used in this research were the mean, standard deviation and t-test (independent samples).

            The results were as follows:

                 1) The comparison of the effectiveness of the Chinese sentence learning for communication between the group taught by using songs as a medium of instruction and the group taught by the traditional teaching method revealed that using songs as a medium of instruction and the traditional teaching method made no difference on the Chinese sentence learning for communication.

                 2) The study on retention of the Chinese sentence learning for communication as the effects of teaching by using songs and traditional teaching method revealed that using songs as a medium of instruction and the traditional teaching method enabled the students to retain Chinese sentence learning for communication.

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