Development of a Proposed Policy for Providing Education in Early Childhood School Prototypes of the Office of Uttaradit Elementary Educational Area 1

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อุษณี กำพร้า
สุมิตรา โรจนนิติ


          The purpose of this research was to evaluate the implementation of the policy on providing early childhood education, basing on the CIPPIEST evaluation model, in order to develop policy proposals for early childhood education provision and to review the policy proposals on early childhood education at the early childhood center school prototype under the Office of Uttaradit Educational Service Area 1, according to criteria of suitability and possibility. The population consisted of the director of the Office of Uttaradit Primary Education Area 1, educational supervisors, school directors, early childhood teachers and parents of early childhood children under the Office of Uttaradit Educational Service Area 1. Obtained through the purposive sampling technique, the sample consisted of the Director of the Office of Uttaradit Primary Education Area 1, 2 supervisors, 6 school administrators and 36 primary school teachers. Parents were obtained through simple random sampling. The sample size of the parents was 297. The total sample size was 342. The research instruments comprised a questionnaire on the operating conditions under the policy of early childhood education provision, in-depth Interviews, policy note forms for group conversations, and an expert opinion questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation. The qualitative analysis employed content analysis. The research found that the implementation of the early childhood center school prototype, basing on CIPPIEST assessment, had the results at the high to highest level in terms of context, inputs, processes and productivity. The primary data provider stated that expansion of productivity in terms of impact, effectiveness, sustainability and transmission was a reality that can be developed into policy proposals in the management of all four aspects, namely: academic administration, personnel management, budget management, and general administration, with the total of 12 issues. They were: 1) develop projects and curriculums to meet the needs of the children, the school and the locality; 2) develop educational institutions into an academic center prototype, with collaboration of parents and other agencies; 3) Develop child-centered learning and teaching, with Integration of learning sources within the school for providing experiences for children, and with the standard of development assessment; 4) develop early childhood education provision by integrating technology and foreign languages ​​into activities for students, and continuously expand the results of the operation of the early childhood center school prototype; 5) develop and promote the readiness for providing special education for children with special needs in their mainstream learning; 6) develop teachers in order for them to gain more knowledge, ability, education and qualifications which are consistent with what they teach, conscience and responsibility for duty; 7) encourage teachers to perform their full duties according to their potential, ability, and aptitude; 8) develop a management system by assigning tasks and responsibilities to each party appropriately; 9) continuously improve and develop the spending plan of the early childhood center school prototype and make sure that the budget disbursement process is always correct; 10) develop the budget management system, focusing on independence, transparency, agility, worthiness, frugality and accountability; 11) develop food, beverage and dairy supplement service system, and support appropriate planning of environment arrangement in the early childhood center school prototype; and 12) develop various information systems and public relations by having experts to check the suitability and feasibility. On the whole, it was found to be appropriate and feasible at a highest level. ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.82, S.D.=0.47 and gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.86, S.D.=0.39 respectively).

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