The Validity and Reliability of Teachers and School Administrators Mindfulness Scale (TSAMS) Under the Office of Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Service Area 1-2

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อำนาจ ไพนุชิต
องอาจ นัยพัฒน์
พระราชสิทธิมุนี วิ


       The purposes of this research were to examine the reliability, concurrent validity, and construct validity using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of the factor structures of Teachers and School Administrators Mindfulness Scale (TSAMS) with the empirical data. The sample consisted of teachers and school administrators under the Office of Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Education Service Area 1-2, in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2017. The sample was divided into 2 groups: 1) 650 teachers and school administrators were for the exploratory factor analysis, and 2) 750 teachers and school administrators were for confirmatory factor analysis. The sampling employed stratified random sampling, classified by the size of the schools. The data were collected by using a 6- level questionnaire containing 30 items. The concurrent validities of two sub-facet structures, awareness and acceptance, were examined with the Thai version of the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale (PHLMS). The reliabilities of the total items and each domain were analyzed by Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. Principal Component Analysis was used to explore the number of initial un-rotated factors to extract. Then, Principal Axis Factoring, followed by Varimax rotation, were employed to reveal the number and the identification of the latent constructs of TSAMS. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to prove the construct validity.

      The results of this study indicated that there were 27 items of TSAMS suitable for the selected criteria. The Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient was 0.921 and the Item-total Correlation ranged between 0.330 and 0.695. The concurrent validities with the Thai version of the (PHLMS) in the two sub-facet structures of awareness and acceptance were 0.788 and 0.830. Six factors of the Teachers and School Administrators Mindfulness Scale were able to explain 68.112 % of the total variance, namely: 1) describing (19.583%),  2) concentration (12.984%), 3) observing (10.840%), 4) non-judging of experience (9.230%),         5) openness (8.106%), and 6) non-reactivity to inner experience (7.370%). The TSAMS, developed by the researcher, fitted with the empirical data with chi-square of gif.latex?x2 = 106.25, p = 0.31557, df = 100, gif.latex?x2/df = 1.0625, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.97, CFI = 1.00, SRMR = 0.021 and RMSEA = 0.0091.

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