The Implementation of RTI in Developing Children with Learning Disabilities at Risk in Reading and Writing Thai Words with Short Vowels for Prathomsuksa 2 Students

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สิริพิชญ์ กฤษณา
วิชยา โยชิดะ


        The purposes of this study were 1) to screen Prathomsuksa 2 students with learning disabilities at risk, 2) to develop RTI lesson plans together with a series of skill drills for reading and writing Thai words with short vowels for Prathomsuksa 2 students, based on the standardized efficiency criterion of 80/80, 3) to study the ability of reading and writing Thai words with short vowels by using the RTI lesson plans together with the series of skill drills for reading and writing Thai words with short vowels for Prathomsuksa 2 students, before and after learning, and 4) to study the learning achievements of Prathomsuksa 2 students against the 80 percent criterion. The sample comprised 12 Prathomsuksa 2 students of Bannonngamudomwit School, Bandung District, Udonthani Province, Udonthani Primary Education Service Office Area 3, obtained through the purposive sampling technique. The tools of this study were 1) KUS-SI Rating Scales: LD, 2) reading and writing Thai words with short vowels skill measure, and 3) lesson plans using RTI with a series of skill drills for reading and writing Thai words with short vowels. The statistics employed in data analysis were the mean, percentage, and standard deviation.

           The findings of the study were as follows:

  1. The screening on learning disabilities (LD) revealed that there were 12 students, whose scores were between 61-70, and they should be given educational assistance.

  2. The RTI learning activities with the series of skill drills for reading and writing Thai words with short vowels for Prathomsuksa 2 students were efficient at 82.35/81.39.

  3. The analysis of the students’ ability in reading and writing Thai words with short vowels using the RTI learning activities with the series of skill drills for reading and writing Thai words with short vowels for Prathomsuksa 2 indicated that the posttest scores of reading and writing were significantly higher than the pretest scores. The posttest reading mean score was 61.25 percent and the posttest writing mean score was 58.51 percent.

  4. The learning achievement of Prathomsuksa 2 students was 81.39 percent and it could meet the 80 percent criterion.

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Research Article


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