A Study of English Speaking Skills and Self-Confidence Using Cognitive Strategies and Compensation Strategies of Matthayomsuksa 4 Students

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จิตตาภัทร์ บุญมี
ประสงค์ สายหงส์


This study aimed 1) to develop learning activity organizing that promotes English speaking skills with the instructional plans using cognitive strategies and compensation strategies of Matthayomsuksa 4 students that meet the established efficiency criterion of 70/70; 2) to study learning activity organizing that promotes English speaking skills with the instructional plans using cognitive strategies and compensation strategies of Matthayomsuksa 4 students;            3) to study Matthayomsuksa 4 students’ English speaking skills using cognitive strategies and compensation strategies; 4) to study Matthayomsuksa 4 students’ self-confidence using cognitive strategies and compensation strategies. The sample consisted of two groups:       46 Matthayomsuksa 4 students at Buakhao School using the cognitive strategies, and 46 Matthayomsuksa 4 students of the same school using compensation strategies. The subjects for both groups were obtained by using cluster random sampling. The instruments used for collecting the data were 8 instructional plans using the cognitive strategies and the other 8 instructional plans using compensation strategies; an English speaking test and a questionnaire on self- confidence in speaking English. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were percentage, the mean and standard deviation.

           The results of the study were as follows:

  1. The efficiency indexes of the instructional plans for developing speaking skills of Matthayomsuksa 4 students using the cognitive strategies and compensation strategies were 76.34/74.02 and 76.16/73.70, respectively; which were higher than the established criterion.

  2. The effectiveness indexes of the English speaking instructional plans using the cognitive strategies and compensation strategies were 0.6023 and 0.5953, respectively.

  3. Matthayomsuksa 4 students who learned by using the cognitive strategies and compensation strategies had English speaking skills after learning higher than before learning, with statistical significance at the level of .05.

          4. Matthayomsuksa 4 students who learned by using the cognitive strategies and compensation strategies had higher self-confidence in English speaking than before learning.

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Research Article


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