Development of the Process Skill Test in Mathematics for Primary Education Grade 6 of Uttaradit Rajabhat University Demonstration School

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สุกัญญา รุจิเมธาภาส


The objectives of this study were to develop the process skill test in mathematics
for primary education grade 6 of Uttaradit Rajabhat University Demonstration School. To
meet the standard for quality of placement test and develop criteria for the minimum
passing level of the process skill test in mathematics. In the research there were 159
students from primary education grade 6 for academic year 2560 of Uttaradit Rajabhat
University Demonstration School. The sample group for research was 112 students from
primary education grade 6. They were selected with stratified random sampling whom were
classified from grades in primary mathematics for academic year 2559. The instruments for
process skill test in mathematics were assessment of quality tools by analysis was in aspect
of validity content, structure, item difficulty, item discrimination, reliability and statistics used
to analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, standard error mean and
minimum passing level of Ebel.
Result showed that the test attained the standard requirements: P (0.20 to 0.80) ;
the discrimination (0.21 to 0.66) ; the reliability (0.961) ; the mean (73.03) ; the standard
deviation (22.94) ; the standard error mean (1.82) ; and the minimum passing level of the
process skill test in mathematics by teaching professionals indicated that the minimum
percentage of problem solving skill, connection skill, reasoning and proof skill and
communication skill were 80, 65, 80 and 65 respectively. The minimum percentage of the
total test was 80.

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Research Article


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