The Development of Blended Learning Instruction Model Based on Elaboration Theory to Enhance Learning Transposition and Problem-Solving Ability for Student at the Certificate Level

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เลอสันต์ ฤทธิขันธ์
ทรงศักดิ์ สองสนิท
ประวิทย์ สิมมาทัน


This research is a Research and Development model which aims to 1) synthesize
blended learning model based on elaboration theory to enhance learning transposition and
problem-solving ability for Student at the Certificate Level, 2) evaluate suitability of the synthesized
model. The research method was separated into 2 phrases; 1) synthesize teaching model by
in-depth interview with 10 teaching professionals based on elaboration theory about learning
transposition and problem solving skills using purposive sampling, information were collected by
receiving ideas and suggestions to be synthesized and develop a learning model, 2) evaluate
suitability of the synthesized model with 5 highly qualified personals using purposive sampling,
assessment forms were used to find suitability of model and data were analyzed by mean and
standard deviation.
The research found that:
1) Result of synthesis and validation of blended learning model with elaboration theory
to enhance learning transposition and problem solving ability for students at vocational certificate
level. After the test, the researcher introduced revised blended learning model with theory of
conceptual elaboration to 5 higher educational technology experts to certify learning model with 3
following components (1) content preparation, (2) Learning Process, and (3) Evaluation process.
There are 3 following steps to promote learning transposition; 1) Stimulate experience, 2) create
learning transposition, 3) promote learning transposition. There are 3 steps in promotional to
problem solving; 1) to understand hypothetical problems, 2) to problem analysis and taking action,
3) to investigate and improve the solution.
2) The suitability assessment results of the synthesized model could be summarized
into 4 aspects thus, 1) developed teaching model component are suitable at highest level
( x =4.73, S.D.=0.40), 2) teaching model activities that promotes learning transposition are
suitable at highest level ( x =4.60, S.D.=0.55), 3) teaching model activities that promote
problem solving skills are suitable at highest level ( x =4.76, S.D.=0.40), 4) feasibility of
teaching model on actual implementation are suitable at highest level ( x =4.60, S.D.=0.55).
This showed the synthesized teaching model has the highest level of evaluation and can be
used as a model for development of teaching and learning tools.

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Research Article


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