The Development of Problem-based Learning to Develop Learning Achievement.Of Undergraduate Students Institute of Physical Education UdonThani Campus.

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นิ่มนวล แก้วพิลา


An organization of effective learning activities and compatible with principles of
child-centered, teaching activities should be developed students’ reasoning abilities, creative
thinking, problems solving abilities, and knowledge applying more valuable in real situations.
The purposes of this research were to (1) find the effectiveness of problem-based learning
efficiency of 75/75 , (2) find the effective index value of problem-based learning, (3) compare
achievement of measurement and evaluation between learning by the teaching-learning
problem-based learning and regular teaching , (4) study students' satisfaction with problembased teaching and learning of undergraduate students at Institute of Physical Education
The sample used in this study was 3rd year Udonthani undergraduate students in the
course of GE 042007 Measurement and Evaluation in Education during the second semester
in 2016 academic year of Institute of Physical Education Udonthani. The whole students
were 67 people of two classrooms by using cluster random sampling to experiment group of
36 people and using control group of 31 people. The instruments used in this study were 9
teaching plans of problem-based learning and the traditional teaching multiple choice test of
20 items with discrimination of 0.25 – 0.67 and a reliability of 0.83, satisfaction questionnaire
of undergraduate students towards the problem-based learning, rating scale of 5 level
including 13 items that provided value of each item (rxy) from 0.49 – 0.75 and the reliability
of 0.87, and strategy used to analyze the data such as arithmetic mean, percent, standard
deviation and hypothesis testing with t-test (independent samples)
The research results were as follows.
1. The results of the effectiveness of problem-based learning of undergraduate
students at Institute of Physical Education Udonthani was 78.37/76.47
2. The effective index value of problem-based learning of undergraduate students at
Institute of Physical Education Udonthani was 0.6109 that showed the percent of 61.09
3. Students were taught by using the problem-based instruction in Measurement
and Evaluation subject of undergraduate students at Institute of Physical Education
Udonthani were more achievable than the ones who taught by using the conventional
learning and the significance of their strategy was .05.
4. Students were taught by using the problem-based instruction in Measurement
and Evaluation subject of undergraduate students at Institute of Physical Education
Udonthani were very satisfied (  x  = 4.39)

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Research Article


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