The Development of Structural Equation Model of Factors Influencing Public – Consciousness Formation of Non-Formal Students in the Cluster of Nakhonchaiburin

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พรรณี ราชจันทร์
เผ่าพงษ์พัฒน์ บุญกะนันท์
กระพัน ศรีงาน


This research aimed: 1) to study of the level of factors influencing public-consciousness
formation of non-formal educational students in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin, 2) to study
the level of public – consciousness formation of non-formal educational students in the
cluster of Nakhonchaiburin, 3) to examine the goodness-of-fit of the structural equation
model of factors influencing public – consciousness formation of non-formal educational
students in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin developed by the researcher with empirical data,
and 4) to study the direct effect, indirect effect and total effect of factors influencing public
– consciousness formation for non-formal educational students in the cluster of
Nakhonchaiburin.The samples were 380 non-formal educational students in the cluster of
Nakhonchaiburin, selected by using multi-stage random sampling technique. The instrument
used for collecting the data was a 5-rating scale questionnaire with the discrimination value
between 0.37–0.91 and the reliability at 0.97. The program used for analyzing the descriptive
statistics was SPSS for window and the program used for analyzing the goodness-of-fit of the
structural equation model was LISREL 8.52.
The findings were as follows:
1. The level of factors influencing public – consciousness formation of non-formal
educational students in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin both in overall and at each aspect
was at the high level.
2. The level of public – consciousness formation of non-formal educational students
in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin in overall was at the high level.
3. The examination result of the goodness-of-fit of the structural equation model of
factors influencing public – consciousness formation of non-formal educational students in
the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin developed by the researcher with empirical data showed that
the model was consistent with the empirical data (Chi-square = 130.25, df = 110, P =.09,
RMSEA = 0.018, SRMR = 0.024, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.96 and CFI =1.00).
4. The coefficient of direct effect on factors influencing public – consciousness
formation of non-formal educational students in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin ranging from
high to low were 1) citizenship 2) socialization 3) morality and 4) environment in schools,
The coefficient of indirect effect influencing public – consciousness formation of
non-formal educational students in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin were 1) environment in
schools factor influencing through socialization, morality and citizenship ; 2) socialization
factor influencing through morality and citizenship; and 3) citizenship factor influencing
through morality.
The coefficient of total effect influencing public – consciousness formation of nonformal
educational students in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin ranging from high to low were
socialization, citizenship, environment in schools and morality, respectivity.
The R2 of structural equation model of factors influencing public – consciousness
formation of non-formal educational students in the cluster of Nakhonchaiburin could
explain the variances of public – consciousness formation with the prediction power of 53 %.

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Research Article


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