Enhancing Model for Learning Management Participatory of Local Wisdom for small size schools
Main Article Content
The purposes of this study were to study the problem about learning management
participatory of local wisdom for small size schools, study the factors that influence to
learning management participatory of local wisdom for small size schools and develop
enhancing model for learning management participatory of local wisdom for small size
The process of this research were separated to 2 phases, phase I: study the problem
and factors that influence to learning management participatory of local wisdom for small
size schools, phase II: develop enhancing model for learning management participatory of
local wisdom for small size schools.
The instruments used for data collection consisted of structural interview form and
questionnaire. The samples were school administrations, teachers, local wisdom and experts.
Statistics for analysis quantitative are Mean and Standard Deviation and using content
analysis for qualitative data.
The results were as follow;
1) The problem of learning management participatory of local wisdom for small size
schools were management, local wisdom and students.
2) The factors that influence to learning management participatory of local wisdom
for small size schools were management, local wisdom, student and community environment.
3) The model consisted of 3 steps;
1. Preparing; School administrator form the staff and orientation about
planning, local wisdom database construction and orientation about roles.
2. Teaching; teachers and local wisdom study together about curriculum,
lesson plan and learning management participatory.
3. Conclusion; learning assessment, learning conclusion and reinforcement.
The result of model evaluation was high level as a whole.
Article Details
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