A Teacher’s Competency Evaluation Model to Promote 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills of Lower Secondary Student

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ชนะศึก โพธิ์นอก
เกียรติสุดา ศรีสุข


This research aims to (1) synthesize competency of teacher to promote the 21st century learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students. (2) develop the teacher’s competency evaluation model to promote the 21st century learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students and (3) examine the quality of the teacher’s competency evaluation model to promote the 21st century learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students. There are 3 stages in this research (1) the synthesis of the teacher’s competency evaluation model to promote the 21st century learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students. (2) the development of the teacher’s competency evaluation model to promote the 21st century learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students and (3) the verification of the teacher’s competency evaluation model to promote the 21st century learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students. Stage 1 of this research was conducted through the involving literature review. Nine experts were also asked to assess and determine the competency of teacher to promote the 21st century learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students. Stage 2 started at collecting data from    (1) the 9 experts by using questionnaire of measurement and evaluation guideline. They also evaluate teacher’s competency model (2) the 24 administrators and teachers under the OBEC and local administrative organization. In stage 3, the 72 administrators and teachers under the OBEC and local administrative organization were selected.


The results were as follow:

  1. The teacher’s competency to promote the 21st learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students were determined into 5 Component, 13 indicators and 52 indicated behaviors. The appropriation assessment of a teacher’s competency by the experts in total at 4.19 by mean and standard deviation was at 0.70

  2. The model of teacher’s competency evaluation to promote the 21st learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students composts of (1) evaluation target (2) what to evaluate (3) evaluation process (4) Rating, processing, interpreting, and judgment of evaluation result (5) Reporting and using the results. The result of the appropriation assessment of a teacher’s competency evaluation model by the experts in any component was good and higher than the criteria.

          3. Qualities of the teacher’s competency evaluation model to promote the 21st learning and innovation skills of lower secondary students were (1) the indicators and criteria of the model using at the small, medium, large school was concurrent validity (2) the rater agreement index (RAI) using the model was at 0.89 (3) the validity of the model in the utility, feasibility, propriety and accuracy from perspective of the administrators and teachers was at high level and at the above the criteria

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