The Result of Using Cooperative Learning with the TPR Activities to Promote English Capacity for Communication, Analytical Thinking And Self–Confidence of Prathomsueksa 6 Students

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จีระนันต์ ศรีภักดี
ประสงค์ สายหงษ์


The purposes of this research were: (1) to determine the effectiveness of lesson plans for English communication of Prathomsueksa 6 students by using cooperative learning with the TPR activities with an efficiency criterion of 70/70, (2) to compare the English communication capable of Prathomsueksa 6 students by using cooperative learning with the TPR activities between pretest and posttest,(3) to study the analytical thinking capable of Prathomsueksa 6 studentsby using cooperative learning with the TPR activities (4) to study the capable of self – confidence of Prathomsueksa 6 students  whom learn by using cooperative learning with the TPR activities. The sample size was 14 Prathomsueksa 6 students at Jatukamwittaya School, Roi - Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 obtained through Multi – Stage Random Sampling techniqueThe tools of this research consisted of 10 TPR lesson plans and other assessment tools such as 30 item(B =0.36-0.86 rcc = 098), of English for communication test, 20 item, an analytical thinking test, 15 item, (p=0.57-0.92)The  evaluation of  student self-confidence 15 item, The statistical data were percentage of students’ satisfaction, means and standard deviation. The Wilcoxon was used for testing the hypothesis.

           The results of the study were as follows: 

  1. An efficiency of English lesson plans for communication of Prathomsueksa 6 students by using cooperative learning with the TPR activities was 79.99/76.43 higher than the established criterion of 70/70.

  2. The capable of English for communication of Prathomsueksa 6 studentsafter using cooperative learning with the TPR activities washigher than before and statistically significant at the level .05

  3. An analytical thinking capable of Prathomsueksa 6 students by using cooperative learning with the TPR activities was at high level.

          4. The self - confidence of Prathomsueksa 6 students by using cooperative learning with the TPR activities was at high level.

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