Health Literacy and Health Promotion Behaviors of Students in Naresuan University

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จิระภา ขำพิสุทธิ์


This research aimed to investigate the level of Health Literacy (HL), Health Promotion
behavior, the relationship between Health Literacy (HL) and Health Promotion behavior, and the
guideline of Health Literacy (HL) development and Health Promotion behavior. Subjects included
326 second-year health sciences students of Naresuan University, and 21 groups of medical
students and Student Affairs staffs. Data was collected using structured questionnaires of Health
Literacy (HL) and Health Promotion behavior and focus group discussion. The data analysis
included percentage, average, standard deviation, and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The focus
group discussion was analyzed by using Content Analysis.
The study revealed that students had a high level of Health Literacy (HL), but a
moderate level of Health Promotion behavior. The relationship between Health Literacy (HL)
and Health Promotion behavior was moderately positive, with statistic significant (r = .33; p
=<.01). Group discussion suggested that a policy of Health Promotion should focus on
development of the health behavior rectification, providing education via modern media,
and creating a supported health promotion environment in the university, thus increasing
health behavior. The students should be a role model of health promotion by having
knowledge acquisition, and aware of appropriate health behavior modification.

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Research Article


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