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จุฑารัตน์ ดาบแก้ว
กฤช จรินโท
ทัศไน ปราณี


This quantitative research attempts 1) to study factors affecting users’ satisfaction on mobile banking of banks from Thailand, Singapore and, Malaysia; 2) to explore the factors in using Mobile Banking application of those banks and; 3) to study the users’ satisfaction on mobile banking of banks from Thailand, Singapore and, Malaysia. This study covered the key informant who were 450 customers of Siam Commercial Bank, CIMB bank and, UOB bank in Mueang District, Chon Buri Province. It was found from the general data of the respondents that the difference in gender, age, marital status, education, average monthly income and occupation had influenced on success and satisfaction on Mobile Banking without any differences. For Singaporean banks, the different behaviors to use the service of the respondents had an impact on success and satisfaction on Mobile Banking without any differences when comparing with the customers of Thai banks. For quality of e-service, privacy and accessibility had influenced on the success and satisfaction on Mobile Banking among banks from Thailand, Singapore and, Malaysia. In overall, it was found that there should be an improvement of privacy, the banks should adjust the private information of their customers to be safe and confidential to ensure their customers. Also, the use of Touch ID to access the application should be different from the fingerprints to unlock the phone. This would ensure the users for the higher level of security. To access the service, the banks should increase and develop the competency of the applications to serve multifunction when using in smartphone, tablet as well as other portable computers. To do this, it will be more convenient and more appropriate to the users. Moreover, logging into the system should be adjusted to become faster so that customers could perceive the convenience and the ease of use. When problems exist, there should be a contact ch

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ดาบแก้ว จ., จรินโท ก., & ปราณี ท. (2019). SUCCESS AND SATISFACTION ON MOBILE BANKING AMONG BANKS FROM THAILAND, SINGAPORE AND, MALAYSIA. Journal of KMITL Business School, 9(1), 95–107. Retrieved from
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