The Development of Chinese Speaking Skill and Class Participation Using Scenario Based Learning for Grade 6 Students
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The objectives of this research were to 1) compare the Chinese speaking skills of Grade 6 students before and after learning through Scenario-Based Learning, 2) compare the Chinese speaking skills of Grade 6 students after learning through Scenario-Based Learning with a determined criterion of 70%, and 3) examine the participation of Grade 6 students in learning through Scenario-Based Learning. The sample consisted of one classroom with 36 Grade 6 students from Phum Tawan Wittaya Foundation School, who were studying in the second semester of the academic year 2022, derived from cluster random sampling method. The research tools were composed of Chinese lesson plans utilizing Scenario-Based Learning, a Chinese speaking skill test, and an observation form for class participation. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviations, and t-tests.
The findings were as follows:
1) the Chinese speaking skills of Grade 6 students after learning through Scenario-Based Learning were statistically higher than before at .05 level of significance,
2) the Chinese speaking skills of Grade 6 students after learning through Scenario-Based Learning were different from the determined criterion of 70% but not statistically higher than the determined criterion of 70% at .05 level of significance,
3) the overall class participation of Grade 6 students in learning through Scenario-Based Learning was at a high level.
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