Thailand's Industrial Recuperation In EEC Project Along With Applying Buddhist Principles To A Robust Corporate Social Responsibility

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ปริยา รินรัตนากร


As a result of Thailand’s economic recession, its competitiveness in the world market had declined which affected the nation’s net exports and the population to remain stuck in the middle-income trap. The government initiates and pushes the EEC project with the aim of recuperating its industrial to be a key driver of the country's economy by defining 12 industrial groups to be developed. However, the overall problems of the Thai industrial sectors exist in many ways, such as the dependence on foreign countries, competitiveness, and problem of relocating investment bases, etc. The government, therefore, has found ways to revive the industrial sectors by various methods in order to expand and strengthen the nation’s industrial sectors such as investment promotion policy, research, and development promotion, foreign countries cooperation, etc. As soon as there is an expansion of the industrial sectors, there will lead to various problems in the communities related to arable lands, environment, pollution, and resources. Therefore, the concept of industrial development should coincide with the concept of corporate social responsibility in order for both the industrial sectors and the community will live together happily and the development will be sustained in a long run according to the Buddhist principle called Sangaha-Vatthu 4 (Four Principles of Service) refers to Dharma as the heart of the assisting each other, Dharma as an anchor to kindness, to become one and the same, and living together with love and goodwill for each other that will be considered as the true development.

Keywords:  Industrial, Corporate Social Responsibility, Buddhist Principles

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How to Cite
รินรัตนากร ป. Thailand’s Industrial Recuperation In EEC Project Along With Applying Buddhist Principles To A Robust Corporate Social Responsibility. JGSR [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 28 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];17(1):58-72. Available from:
Academic article


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