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Sagee Narkchaiya
Worakrit Theunchang
Thanong Thossakrai


This research aims 1) to study the academic administration of leading Buddhist schools and 2) to propose guidelines for the development of academic administration of leading Buddhist schools according to the principles of the Four Bhvan (Development). This research is a mixed-methods research. The quantitative research used a questionnaire with a total population of 141 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of .97. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Qualitative research used a semi-structured interview method by collecting important data from 9 people and analyzing the data by content analysis. The research results found that 1) the academic administration of leading Buddhist schools in the Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area had a high level of opinion overall. When considering each aspect, there were 4 aspects that had a high level of opinion: development of the school's curriculum, development of the learning process, measurement, evaluation, and transfer of learning results. In terms of educational supervision, respectively, and each aspect with a moderate level of opinions was research to develop the quality of education in educational institutions, and 2) the development guidelines for academic administration of leading Buddhist schools according to the principles of the Four Bhvan, which was the integration of the five aspects of academic administration with the principles of the Four Bhvan, namely, Kya-bhvan,  (Physical development), Sīla-bhvan (Moral development), Citta-bhvan (Emotional development), and Paññ-bhvan  (wisdom development), consisting of (1) In terms of curriculum development of the educational institution, the educational institution should create an environment that promoted learning and the development of personnel with virtue and ethics, organizing training to enhance skills and responsibility, creating a culture, fair policies, and providing opportunities for everyone to participate in decision-making. (2) In terms of learning process development, the educational institution’s inclusion in the administration process would help creating an educational institution with efficient operations, promoting research and development of teaching and learning in all subject groups, support learning that emphasized analytical thinking and problem solving. (3) In terms of measurement, evaluation, and transfer of learning outcomes, the educational institution had created and developed measurement and evaluation tools to meet standards that were consistent with learners, emphasizing on creating appropriate learning spaces for students’ learning, and inspires students to learn and develop themselves. (4) In terms of research to develop the quality of education, the educational institution supporting teachers to use research results to develop learning and the quality of education, creating an environment that was appropriate for learning and developing students both physically and mentally. (5) In terms of teaching supervision, educational institutions supporting and encouraging educational institutions to create a creative atmosphere and consistently promoting activities related to students and activities that enhancing the mind and happiness in learning, and creating an environment that would develop creativity.

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How to Cite
Narkchaiya, S., Theunchang, W. ., & Thossakrai, T. . (2024). THE GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION OF THE LEADING BUDDHIST-WAY SCHOOL IN THE NAKHON SAWAN EDUCATIONAL AREA ACCORDING TO BHAVANA 4. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(3), 612–625. Retrieved from
Research Article


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