Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU 2024-04-30T18:18:15+07:00 รศ.ดร.สมศักดิ์ บุญปู่ Open Journal Systems <div id="content"> <div id="journalDescription"> <div id="content"> </div> <h2><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">วารสารครุศาสตร์ปริทรรศน์ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย</span></h2> <div id="content"> <div id="journalDescription"> <p class="a" align="left"><strong><span lang="TH"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">จัดทำดัชนีใน </span><a title="ศูนย์ดัชนีการอ้างอิงวารสารไทย: ศูนย์ดัชนีการอ้างอิงไทย (TCI)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="tci" src="" alt="tci" width="90" height="35" border="0" /></a></span></strong></p> </div> </div> <p><strong>วารสารครุศาสตร์ปริทรรศน์ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย <span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ISSN: 2392-5507, E-ISSN: 2673-0030</span></strong></p> <p><strong>นโยบายและขอบเขตการตีพิมพ์ : </strong></p> <p> มีนโยบายรับตีพิมพ์บทความในสาขาวิชาที่เกี่ยวข้องกับพุทธศาสตร์ ครุศาสตร์ ศึกษาศาสตร์ ศิลปศาสตร์ สังคมศาสตร์ รัฐศาสตร์ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ และสาขาวิชาสหวิทยาการอื่นๆ</p> <p>บทความที่ส่งมาขอรับการตีพิมพ์จะต้องไม่เคยตีพิมพ์ หรืออยู่ระหว่างการพิจารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ เพื่อตีพิมพ์ในวารสารอื่น ผู้เขียนบทความจะต้องปฏิบัติตามหลักเกณฑ์การเสนอบทความในวารสารอย่างเคร่งครัด โดยอ้างอิงตามรูปแบบของ APA (นาม-ปี) รวมถึงเป็นไปตามหลักเกณฑ์ของวารสารฯ และเป็นบทความที่ไม่มีความหลายมากกว่า 25% ตามที่ถนนในโปรแกรม CopyCat ในเว็บ Thaijo2</p> <p>ทัศนะและความคิดเห็นที่ปรากฏในบทความในวารสารฯ ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนบทความ โดยไม่ถือเป็นทัศนะและความรับผิดชอบของวารสารฯ</p> <p><strong>กระบวนการพิจารณาบทความ : </strong></p> <p>บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ทุกบทความจะต้องผ่านการพิจารณาโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิที่เชี่ยวชาญ 2 แบบ คือ</p> <p>แบบที่ 1 บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ทุกบทความจะต้องผ่านการพิจารณาโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิที่เชี่ยวชาญอย่างน้อย 2 ท่าน ต่อ 1 บทความ แบบผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิและผู้แต่งไม่ทราบชื่อกันและกัน (double-blind review)</p> <p>แบบที่ 2 บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ทุกบทความจะต้องผ่านการพิจารณาโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิที่เชี่ยวชาญอย่างน้อย 3 ท่าน ต่อ 1 บทความ แบบผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิและผู้แต่งไม่ทราบชื่อกันและกัน (double-blind review)</p> <p><strong>ประเภทของบทความ : </strong></p> <p>ประเภทของบทความที่รับตีพิมพ์ คือ บทความวิจัย (Research Article) และบทความวิชาการ (Original Article) </p> <p><strong>ภาษาที่รับตีพิมพ์ :</strong></p> <p>บทความที่รับตีพิมพ์รับภาษาที่เป็นภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ</p> <p><strong>กำหนดออก : </strong></p> <p>กำหนดออกตีพิมพ์ 3 ฉบับ ต่อปี (ราย 4 เดือน) ดังนี้</p> <p>ฉบับที่ 1 เดือน มกราคม - เมษายน (กำหนดออก เดือนเมษายน)</p> <p>ฉบับที่ 2 เดือน พฤษภาคม - สิงหาคม (กำหนดออก เดือนสิงหาคม)</p> <p>ฉบับที่ 3 เดือน กันยายน - ธันวาคม (กำหนดออก เดือนธันวาคม)</p> </div> </div> SOCIAL STUDIES LEARNING MANAGEMENT TO DEVELOP STUDENT COMPETENCIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY 2023-12-14T13:39:15+07:00 Salilthip Nueanum Nitipat Kaewprasit Wilaiporn Samphaonont <p>This academic article is about the learning management of social studies to develop learners’ competencies in the 21<sup>st </sup>century. The instructors have to know how to integrate innovation with technology to promote higher-order thinking by using resources, knowledge, and learning centers in the community. They emphasize projects, discussions beyond school learning, learning by doing, using quality technology and resources, and being able to work as a team. Learning management in social studies in the 21<sup>st </sup>century is to study the existing theory and further through technology with various methods. Religions, moralities, and ethics should be self-studied and practiced in established situations by considering learners' abilities. It might be the Yonisomanasikara method, the Four Noble Truths, or the Threefold Training. Civics, culture, and social life must be self-studied. Learners have to participate in the learning activities. They have to be responsible, like exploring and practicing. They are able to find the answer and summarize the explicit knowledge. They respect each other’s rights and duties and work with each other happily through learning, emphasizing affective development, role play, and situational confrontation. Learners have to adapt economics to their daily lives. They have to practice through the CIPPA model, inquiry-based learning, and problem-based learning to let them solve the problems creatively. They are able to accept other people’s opinions and dare to express themselves. They know how to spend, save money, and buy products and limited services wisely, getting the most benefit. Learners have to do research to solve the problems using technology. They have higher-order thinking and communicate creatively. Instructors manage learning activities along with the Magic If concept, historical process, syndicate, and CRP process. Learners adore the nation, religion, and HM the King. They have good willingness, learning inquiry, and living sufficiently. They realize and acknowledge the importance of national and local history. Learners study geography by acknowledging and understanding natural and man-made phenomena. They can use geographic tools. They have higher-order thinking and good attitudes towards natural resources and environmental conservation. They adapt their geographic knowledge through cooperative and 4MAT-based learning processes.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU DEVELOPING LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS TO KEEP UP WITH MODERN COMMUNITY PROBLEMS 2023-12-29T11:23:10+07:00 Phrakhrusri Sitthikankoson (Nipon Virabalo) <p>This article aimed to present methods for developing local organizations to be able to appropriately respond to community problems in the new era. In this new era, community problems were divided into four main areas: economic, social, political, and environmental. This had occurred due to changes in world society in the era of globalization and rapidly changing information technology. Developing local organizations required building cooperation in the community, changing the management model to be a public participation management system and using modern technology to create cooperation with various sectors. To solve community problems effectively, it was necessary to develop personnel to have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve community problems, promoting research and innovation to develop new solutions to community problems as well, creating a database and information system to support research and innovation efficiently.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU COMPETENCIES OF SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS IN THE DIGITAL AGE 2023-12-22T20:41:19+07:00 Phramaha Udorn Uttaro Makdee PhrakhruSiriphurinithat (Ṭhitasaggo Ditsawan) Phrakhrubaidika Monthon Khamago (Chutosri) <p>Social studies teachers in the digital age must have knowledge and understanding of changing social and cultural settings, which meant that social studies teachers must have digital competence to teach and support student learning in the digital age. This learning enabled teachers to perform their duties effectively as teachers not only impart knowledge but also nurture students' qualities. The digital competences of social studies teachers were divided into two categories: general and subject-specific components. Social studies teachers must have knowledge of the teaching and evaluation curriculum, as well as knowledge of social studies topics, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Therefore, the use of digital technology and educational research to enhance teaching was required. It was crucial to evaluate and accepted changes in behavior in order to improve the efficiency of teaching. Digital competences included the ability to use digital technologies properly and safely in learning, working, creating, communicating, and problem solving, to manage teaching and learning successfully. This was done with a sense of responsibility, ethics, and relevance to living in the digital age. As a result, social studies teachers in the digital age must have the learning competencies to effectively design social studies learning, acted as managers of information and learning management, continuously develop digital competences, and adapted new approaches to learning so that they could live in a multicultural society, where creating value for themselves in terms of potential was central.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE PROCESS OF TEACHER DEVELOPMENT IN CREATIVE THINKING BASED ON BUDDHADHAMMA FOR PHRAPARIYATTIDHAMMA SCHOOL, GENERAL EDUCATION DIVISION AREA 3 2024-01-06T13:51:49+07:00 Phramaha Pongsakorn Simpa Sin Ngamprakhon Lampong Klomkul <p>The purposes of this research article were 1) to study the current conditions, problems and needs assessment for developing teachers in creativity of Phrapariyattidhamma school, general education division area 3, 2) to develop the process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma, and 3) to evaluate the process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma. A multiphase mixed methods research was used for research design between qualitative research and quantitative research and was divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 comprised documentary study and distribute questionnaires to the population, totaling 120 samples by using the entire population. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and needs assessment. Phase 2 comprised interview with 9 key informants, and outline the process. Phase 3 comprised the connoisseurship with 9 experts. And content validity index (CVI) was also used for 5 experts to evaluate the process. The research results found that: 1. The highest needs assessment of each step according to the teacher development process framework consisted of step 1 should have a direct working team and work should be assigned to suit each person's abilities, step 2 should evaluate requirement of teachers and clearly plan, step 3 should be both short-term and long-term evaluations, step 4 should use words of promote, appreciate and encourage, and step 5 should encourage teachers to develop their own qualifications. 2. The process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma was developed and consisted of 2 parts. Part 1 process goal, teachers had creativity according to 4 characteristics; 1) originality, 2) fluency, 3) flexibility, and 4) elaboration. Part 2 the process consisted of 1 Buddhadhamma, 2 factors, and 5 steps as follows: 1 Buddhadhamma was Iddhipāda Dhamma IV, 2 factors were 1) promote the environment and 2) opportunities of learning, and 5 steps were 1) setup, 2) idea, 3) making plan, 4) perform, and 5) assess. 3. Evaluation results of the process found that the developed process showed consensus of the process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma. The assessment results of content validity index showed appropriate, accurate, possible to practice, and can be used for utilization. In summary, knowledge of this research was the PO – SIMPA Process.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MANAGEMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION AREA: A CASE STUDY OF RAYONG TECHNICAL COLLEGE 2024-04-16T17:43:21+07:00 Charin Choochue Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the conditions and guidelines for vocational education management in the educational innovation area: a case study of Rayong Technical College. The process was as follows: 1) Studying the administrative conditions of vocational education in the Educational Innovation area: a case study of Rayong Technical College by using a questionnaire with a sample of 350 people, quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations. 2) Studying guidelines for vocational education management in the educational innovation area: a case study of Rayong Technical College by interviewing 9 key informants, data were analyzed using content analysis. The results were found that: 1) Conditions of vocational education management in the educational innovation area: a case study of Rayong Technical College in overall, there was at high level of practice, and 2) Guidelines for vocational education management in educational innovation areas: a case study of Rayong Technical College consisted of (1) vocational education management in educational innovation areas in 7 aspects, including innovation base management, Organizational competency management, Organizational partnership management, Innovative leadership, Innovator development, Systematic innovation, Innovation plan management, (2) 4-step POLC management process, including planning (Planning: P), organizing (Organizing: O), leading (Leading: L), and controlling (Controlling: C), (3) Colleges Development factors in the educational innovation area<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU TEACHER LEADERSHIP IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS UNDER THE CHUMPHON PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2 2023-12-13T14:55:38+07:00 Suriya Parajoom Jitiyaporn Chaowarakul Vassiga Rumakhom <p>The research objectives were 1) teachers leadership in private schools under the Chumphon primary educational service area office 2, and 2) to comparing study teachers leadership in private schools under the Chumphon primary educational service area office 2, classified by educational level school size and work experience, the sample group used in this research were teachers leadership in private schools under the Chumphon primary educational service area office 2, there were 118 people. Questionnaire was implemented to collect data, Statiscs used in data analysis include Frequency means Percentage standard aeviation, independent t-test and one-way anova f-test. The research results showed that: 1) Teachers leadership in private schools under the Chumphon primary educational service area office 2 Overall, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it is at a high level in every aspect. In order from highest to lowest, the first is the qualifications of teachers. Secondary in management the side with the final average is in terms of developing yourself and your colleagues, respectively. 2) Comparison results teachers leadership in private schools under the Chumphon primary educational service area office 2 Categorized by educational level, school size, and work experience, it was found that private school teachers Under the the Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, with different levels of education and school sizes, teacher leadership is different. and work experience There are different teacher leadership styles. Significant at the 0.05 level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU DRIVING THE BUDDHIST LEARNING INNOVATION AREA 2024-04-12T15:22:43+07:00 Phramaha Sombat Dhanapañño PhrakhruOpatnontakitti (Sakda Obhaso) Udon Keowon PhrakruNiwitthasarnbundit Phrakhrusangkharak Chakkrit Bhuripañño Aroonrad Wilairadtanakun <p class="175">The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the model for driving the Buddhist learning innovation areas, 2) develop the driving of Buddhist learning innovation areas, 3) promote the driving Buddhist learning innovation areas. Using qualitative research methods and action research as an important part of every step of the research process. Related concept and theoretical documents were studied. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Interviews with 120 key informants, including administrators, faculty, staff, and students of the Faculty of Education at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, by interview form. Data were analyzed by content analysis. A small group discussions with 13 key informants including administrators, faculty, staff, students in the Faculty of Education, and those involved in the development of innovative Buddhist learning area. The research tool was a set of activities to analyze data by content analysis. The research results found that: The model for driving the Buddhist learning innovation area had been developed and adjusted according to the current situation to be compatible with the effective learning process. This could be used to exchange knowledge with other educational institutions including an innovative area for learning the Buddhist way. There was a plan for organizing teaching and learning, implementing the plan and organizing the measurement and evaluation of learning management. It had a format that was easy for students to understand, focusing on activities to drive efficiency, teaching and learning should be made easily accessible, providing opportunities for all sectors to participate, consisting of 1) policy-driven, 2) spatial-driven, 3) activity-driven, 4) technology-driven. In developing and driving the model for driving the Buddhist learning innovation area in educational institutions, there was a clear model to drive the Buddhist school by using the same format to develop students' learning to learn Buddhism effectively, a Buddhist network should be created to coordinate and cooperate.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE DEVELOPMENT NEEDS TO ENHANCE THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER’S COMPETENCY BY PROVIDING AN ACTIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE PROCESSING SKILLS FOR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS UNDER SARABURI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 1 2024-04-15T23:58:40+07:00 Jirapron Inprom Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the development needs that promote the competency of kindergarten teachers in organizing active learning experiences to develop the science processing skills of kindergarten students under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the research methods were as follows: 1) Studying of the needs for developing the competencies of kindergarten teachers in schools under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, using a questionnaire, a sample group was 92 kindergarten teachers in the school under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Statistics used in data analysis included percentages, means, and standard deviations. 2) Studying of educational institution administration guidelines that promote competency of kindergarten teachers in organizing experiences in Active Learning to develop science processing skills of kindergarten students under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, with interviewing 9 key informants, data were analyzed using content analysis. Summary of the results of the research found that 1) existing abilities and desired abilities in developing the competency of kindergarten teachers in schools under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, in overall the practice was at a high level. 2) Guidelines for school administration that promote the competency of kindergarten teachers in organizing active experiences (Active Learning) to develop science processing skills of kindergarten students were 1) Planning stage P (Plan), 2) Organization stage O (Organizing), 3) Leading stage L (Leading), 4) Control stage C (Controlling).</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE STUDY OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS INVOLVED IN POLITICS AND TEACHING AND LEARNING MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL STUDIES, RELIGIONS AND CULTURES 2023-10-21T13:02:45+07:00 Chayakorn Chummongkhon Achira Uttaman <p>The purposes of this research were: 1) to studying the relationship between the behavior of high school students who participate in politics. with the teaching and learning of social studies, religion and culture 2) to study the behavioral patterns of political participation of high school students. This research is a survey research. Using quantitative research methods and qualitative research data collection. The research tools include a questionnaire on the political engagement behavior of high school students and the management of teaching and learning in social studies, religion, and culture. Interviews regarding political engagement behavior and the management of teaching and learning in social studies, religion, and culture are also conducted. Summary of research results found that 1) The overall management of teaching and learning in social studies, religion, and culture is positively correlated with politically engaged behavior among high school students. This relationship is statistically significant at the .01 level. 2) The overall level of politically engaged behavior among high school students, when considered as a whole, falls within the moderate range, with an average score of 3.16.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE EFFECTS OF EXPERIENCE BY USING THE CONCEPT OF MODELLING ON PUBLIC-MINDED BEHAVIORS OF YOUNG CHILDREN 2024-02-23T20:53:15+07:00 Pongladda Sangchan Rungrong Ngamsiri Jariyaporn Sakulprahm <p>The objective of this research article were to compare the public-minded behaviors of young children in pre-experiment and post-experiment by experience using the concept of modelling and to study the development of public-minded behaviors of young children in pre-experiment, experiment and post-experiment by experience using the concept of modelling. The target group consisted of 16 young children studying in kindergarden 3 in the 2<sup>nd</sup> semester of the academic year 2020 of Bannongsarai School, Nongprue District, Kanchanaburi province. Two types of instruments were: 1) the observation of public-minded behaviors form, with the content validity was 0.60-1.00, and the rater agreement index was 0.87 and 2) lesson plans by experience using the concept of modelling, with the index of consistency between lesson plans and objectives was 1.00 and efficiency value was 4.58. Comparing with the criteria, it was found that lesson plans by experience using the concept of modelling most effective. The research methodology used time series experimental design. There were 3 stages of observation including pre-experiment, during experiment and post-experiment. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation and using line graphs for presenting the development of public-minded behaviors. The findings were as follows: 1) The public-minded behaviors of young children in post-experiment was higher than pre-experiment by experience using the concept of modelling. 2) The development of public-minded behaviors of young children in pre-experiment, during experiment and post-experiment by experience using the concept of modelling tended to be higher.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE NEED ASSESSMENT OF DEVELOPING SCHOOL DIRECTORS UNDER THE BANGKOK PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP 2023-07-18T14:50:56+07:00 Patiparn Thepphituk Ponglikit Petpon <p>This descriptive research aimed to study the need assessment of developing school directors under the Bangkok primary educational service area office based on the concept of entrepreneurial leadership. The population was school directors under the Bangkok primary educational service area office consisting of 25 school directors, 6 acting school directors and 28 Deputy Directors, 59 in total. The research tool was a 5 level rating scales questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Mean, Standard deviation and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI<sub>Modified</sub>). The research result revealed that 1) the priority needs index overall was 0.302 (PNI<sub>Modified </sub>= 0.302). When data were analyzed per item of entrepreneurial leadership, the highest priority needs index was Innovativeness (PNI<sub>Modified </sub>= 0.327), Risk taking (PNI<sub>Modified </sub>= 0.319), and Creative thinking (PNI<sub>Modified </sub>= 0.305). 2) School director development methods from questionnaires of the highest priority needs index aspects consisting of on the job training with mentoring method and off the job training with training methods.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU A PARTICIPATIVE ADMINISTRATION OF COMMUNITY-BASED SCHOOL LEARNING RESOURCES MANAGEMENT TO SUPPORT LEARNING SKILLS FOR LEARNER IN THE 21st CENTURY UNDER THE OFFICE OF PATHUMTHANI SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA 2024-04-21T04:35:02+07:00 Amnarj Janphangam Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study a participative administration of community-based school learning resources management to support learning skills for learner in the 21st century under the office of Pathumthani Secondary Educational Service Area. It was a combined method research. The research method had 3 steps: Step 1: Study the conditions and guidelines for a participative administration of community-based school learning resources management to support learning skills for learner in the 21st century, with the population using in the research, there were 22 people and 12 key informants in the interviews. Step 2: To develop and test a community participatory management model for managing learning resources in schools to enhance learning skills of learners in the 21st century by in-depth inquiry with 9 experts, obtained through purposive selection, and step 3 to evaluate the model by examining the feasibility and usefulness of the model with the research population of 22 people, quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics, namely percentage, mean, and standard deviation and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The results found that; the community participatory management model for managing learning resources in schools to enhance the learning skills of students in the 21st century under the Pathum Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office consisted of 2 components: Component 1: Management; there were 5 areas of participation: 1) planning, 2) performing various actions, 3) evaluating results, 4) providing resources, 5) disseminating knowledge. Component 2: PDCA management model, 4 steps, including 1) plan work operations (P: Plan), 2) carry out the plan (D: Do), 3) check and evaluate results (C: Check), 4) bring the evaluating results to improve work (A: Act). The results of evaluating the feasibility and usefulness of the model in overall, it was at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU MANAGING THE CONSERVATION OF THAI-MON LOCAL TRADITIONS, PATHUM THANI PROVINCE 2024-04-15T13:41:55+07:00 Sirichai Kueakul Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the conservation management of Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province. It was qualitative research. The research work was divided into 3 phases: Phase 1; studied the conservation of Thai - Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province by interviewing 15 key informants, Phase 2; determined the management model for the conservation of Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province by organizing a group discussion with 9 experts, and Phase 3; evaluating the management model for preserving Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province with a seminar based on 7 experts, data were analyzed using basic statistics and content analysis. The research results found that the management model for the conservation of Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province, had 3 parts: Part 1; the origin of the model, consisting of 1) the concepts and principles of the model, 2) the objectives of the model, Part 2; the elements of the management model preserving Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province, consisted of 1) cultural patterns, way of life, occupations, traditions, culture, relationships, kinship, 2) religion and beliefs, religious principles, beliefs in community harmony, 3) technology, public relations, skills and expertise in using, Part 3; using the model, consisting of 1) factors for using the model, 2) conditions for using the model and the results of the evaluation of the management model for the conservation of local Thai-Mon traditions, Pathum Thani Provinces was useful, appropriate and being possible in practice in overall, it was at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU PARTICIPATIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE IN MANAGING LEARNING RESOURCES ACCORDING TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY IN SMALL SCHOOLS UNDER THE SAMUT SONGKHRAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2024-04-15T16:13:45+07:00 Sakesan Suansumran Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Nakamon Bunchakettikul <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the participatory management of school committees in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in small schools under the Samut Songkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office. It was a combined research method between quantitative research and qualitative research. The research was done in 3 steps: Step 1: Studied the conditions of participation and the need for participation of school committees in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy in small schools by interviewing 34 key informants and using questionnaires for a research sample of 401 people, Step 2: Developed a model for managing the participation of school committees in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of the sufficiency economy in a small school under the Samut Songkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office by organizing a group discussion of 18 experts by selecting them purposively and Step 3: evaluated the model by interviewing 30 key informants and evaluating the model with an evaluation form with a sample of 45 people used in the research, analyzing quantitative data with basic statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations, and qualitative data analysis using content analysis. The research results found that participatory management model of the school committee in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in small schools under the Samut Songkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office, there were 2 components: Component 1: Participatory management of learning resources by the school committee in managing learning resources in 5 aspects, consisting of 1) Setting policies to promote and support, providing, creating, or developing learning resources in schools. 2) Promoting the development of personnel to have knowledge and experience in organizing learning resources in schools. 3) Supporting personnel in all departments to participate in presenting innovative work created from use of learning resources in schools. 4) Supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of the teaching and learning management system using learning resources in schools. 5) Development of knowledge of the educational institution committee. Component 2: Philosophy of sufficiency economy in schools in 5 aspects, consisting of 1) moderation, 2) reasonableness, 3) good immunity, 4) knowledge conditions, and 5) moral conditions. The results of the evaluation of the model found that the model was feasible and useful at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU DEVELOPING A LEARNING MANAGEMENT MODEL USING DASE STUDIES AS A BASIS TOGEHER WITH SCAMPER TECHNIQUES TO PROMOTE CREATIVE EDUCATION AS AN INNOVATOR OF TEACHING PROFESSIONAL STUDENTS 2023-11-21T19:48:01+07:00 Kotchaphan Wilaphan Neranart Chulniam Kasinee Phonprakham <p>The objectives of this research are: 1) To create a learning management model using case studies as a basis together with Scamper techniques to promote creative education as an innovator of teaching professional students. 2) To test a learning management model using case studies as a basis together with Scamper techniques to promote creative education as an innovator of teaching professional students. 3) To find satisfaction with learning management using case studies as a basis together with Scamper techniques to promote creative education as an innovator of teaching professional students Bachelor's degree, private university Pathumthani Province, fifty-three people registered for the course in innovation and information technology. Semester 1, academic year 2023, using the method of selecting a purposive sample (Purposive Sampling). The duration of the experiment is eight weeks. Data collection tools include: 1) a questionnaire on the opinions of students and teachers regarding the learning management model by Using a case study as a basis along with the Scamper technique. 2) An interview with an expert about the learning management model using a case study as a base along with the Scamper technique. 3) A form to evaluate the suitability of the learning model. teaching Lesson plans and learning media 4) Creative problem-solving ability test 5) Innovation design performance evaluation form Creative education as an innovator; 6) Student satisfaction questionnaire with the learning management model using case studies as a basis along with the Scamper technique; and 7) Learning management model certification evaluation form. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, dependent t-test and one sample t-test. The research results found that; 1) The learning management model using case studies as a basis together with the Scamper technique has 7 elements: (1) the role of the teacher, (2) the role of the learner, (3) content, (4) a set of questions, (5) teaching resources. (6) The learning environment using case studies as a base along with Scamper techniques through the learning management system (LMS) and technological tools that support learning and (7) assessment of creative problem-solving abilities and assessment of creative education as an innovator for teaching professional students, consisting of eight steps as follows The learning process using case studies as a basis includes (1) providing knowledge (2) setting goals (3) exploring design guidelines (4) collecting data (5) developing prototypes (6) developing work pieces (7) presenting work and 8) Evaluation by inserting questions according to the Scamper technique in every step of teaching. And the evaluating the appropriateness of the learning management model using case studies as a basis together with the Scamper technique. Overall, the highest level by the mean value was 4.67. 2) The results of the study of creative problem-solving ability found that Average score of the post-study test was higher than before-study with a statistical significance of .05. And the results of the study of the ability to be an innovator of teaching professional students found that the mean score of the innovator ability of teaching professional students above the threshold Statistically significant at .05. 3) Results of student satisfaction with the learning management model using case studies as a base combined with the Scamper technique. It was found that students were satisfied with the teaching model in the picture. included at a high level. by evaluating the certification of the learning management model using a case study as a basis together with the Scamper technique from expert opinions on the components and steps. It is at the level of highest agreement. 6.Results of the evaluation to certify the learning management model using case studies as a basis together with the Scamper technique. It was found that the opinions Experts on the components and procedures were at the highest level of agreement.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDANCE ACTIVITIES USING THE IMTEAC MODEL TO ENHANCE THE LIFE SKILLS OF MATTHAYOM SUEKSA FOUR STUDENTS 2024-02-26T14:29:22+07:00 Pornpimol Kotenawung Apicha Dangchamroon Oranuch Limtasriri Umporn Wutchana <p>In this quasi-experimental research article, the researcher develops to 1) guidance activities using the IMTEAC to enhance life skills; compares 2) life skills scores prior to and after using guidance activities with the IMTEAC to enhance life skills. The sample population consisted of thirty-eight Matthayom Sueksa Four students in the first semester of the academic year of 2023 at Srinakharinwirot University Demonstration School Prasarnmit (Secondary). The research instruments to collect data consisted of 1) a lesson plan; and 2) a life skills test. The statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The technique of dependent samples t test was conducted for the hypothesis test. Results showed that 1) the lesson plan of guidance activities using the IMTEAC to enhance the life skills of the students under study found to be appropriate at the highest level. 2) the life skills of the students under investigation after the study were higher than prior to the study at the statistically significant level of .05.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU STUDY OF CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN MANAGING LEARNING RESOURCES IN SCHOOLS TO ENHANCE LEARNING SKILLS OF STUDENTS IN THE 21ST CENTURY UNDER THE PATHUMTHANI SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2024-04-21T04:30:54+07:00 Amnarj Janphangam Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the conditions and guidelines for community participation in managing learning resources in schools in order to enhance the learning skills of students in the 21st century under the Pathum Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The research methods were as follows: 1) Studying the conditions of community participation in managing learning resources in schools to support learning skills in the 21st century by using a questionnaire. The population used in the research was educational institution administrators or teachers who were responsible for learning resources under Pathum Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office, there were 22 people. Data were analyzed using basic statistics, namely percentage, mean, and standard deviation. 2) Study of community participation guidelines in managing learning resources in schools to support learning skills in the 21st century, by interviewing 12 key informants, data were analyzed using content analysis. The results were found: 1) Conditions of community participation in managing learning resources in schools to support learning skills in the 21st century under the Pathum Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office in overall, the practice level was at a high level. 2) Guidelines for community participation in managing learning resources in schools to enhance learning skills of students in the 21st century under the Pathum Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office, it included community participation in planning, carrying out various activities, evaluating results, procuring resources and dissemination of knowledge.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FOR COMMUNICATION USING TIKTOK APPLICATION IN LEARNING MANAGEMENT FOR GRADE 6TH STUDENTS IN SCHOOL UNDER THE OFFICE OF THE PRIVATE EDUCATION COMMISSION, RAT BURANA DISTRICT, BANGKOK 2023-08-16T16:56:05+07:00 Suttiporn Panichwattanajaroen Sawai Fakkao <p>The objectives of this research were to 1) compare the English-speaking skills for communication before and after learning management using the TikTok application. 2) compare the English-speaking skills for communication after the learning management using the TikTok application with the determined criterion of 70 percent and 3) study the satisfaction of students on the learning management using the TikTok application. A sample of 40 students in grade 6 at YaowaluckWittayaThonburi School, during the second semester of the academic year 2020, were obtained by cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of 1) a learning management plan to develop English speaking skills 2) an evaluation form on English speaking skills for communication and 3) a satisfaction questionnaire on learning management. Using statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of the research revealed that 1) the post-test scores of English speaking for communication skills of students after learning management using the TikTok application were statistically higher than before at 0.05 level of significance, 2) the post-test scores of English speaking for communication skills of students after learning management using the TikTok application were statistically higher than the determined criterion of 70 percent at 0.05 level of significance. The students’ satisfaction with learning management using the TikTok application in overall was a high level.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU CONSERVATION OF THAI - MON LOCAL TRADITIONS, PATHUM THANI PROVINCE 2024-04-15T13:29:22+07:00 Sirichai Kueakul Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The objective of this research article was to study the conservation of Thai-Mon local traditions in Pathum Thani Province. It was qualitative research by conducting interviews with 15 key informants, consisting of heirs and inheritors of the tradition, local scholars, community leaders, stakeholders and temples in the Mon community area in Pathum Thani Province along with taking notes, recording still images and movies while in the research area, checking the correctness of the information. The data was then analyzed, interpreted and presented descriptively. The research results found that preserving local Thai-Mon traditions, Pathum Thani Province. Traditions were preserved by grouping into Mon communities with the temple as the center of the tradition, divided into 3 components: 1) Cultural pattern; that was, culture was a pattern of living that had been passed down for a long time. It was something that showed human progress. Each region had a different culture depending on the environment and the people’s way of life in each locality. 2) Religion and beliefs; Mon people in Pathum Thani Province still preserve and maintain and pass on the beliefs to the present. Even though the social context had changed, the Mon people's way of life still continues, especially the beliefs about ancestral ghosts with love and tenacity in traditions and beliefs that was stable and connected to Buddhism 3) Technology; using information technology to manage and preserve local traditions. It was knowledge and a process that made community dynamic.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION AND THE NEED FOR PARTICIPATION OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE IN MANAGING LEARNING RESOURCES ACCORDING TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY IN SMALL SCHOOLS UNDER THE SAMUT SONGKHRAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2024-04-15T16:15:02+07:00 Sakesan Suansumran Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Nakamon Bunchakettikul <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the conditions of participation and the need for participation of school committees in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in small schools under the Samut Songkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office. The research was as follows: 1) Study the conditions of participation of school committees in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in small schools by interviewing 34 key informants, data were analyzed using content analysis. 2) Studying the need for participation of school committees in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in small schools under the Samut Songkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office. Using a questionnaire with a sample of 401 people, analyzed the data with basic statistics, including mean, standard deviation. The results of the research found that: 1) Conditions of participation of school committees in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy in small schools under the jurisdiction of the Samut Songkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office, it consisted of (1) Policy determination promote and support providing, creating or developing learning resources in schools, (2) Promoting the development of personnel to have knowledge and experience in organizing learning resources in schools, (3) Supporting personnel in all departments to participate in presenting innovative work that had been created from the use of learning resources in schools, (4) Monitoring, supervising, and evaluating the teaching and learning management system using learning resources in schools, and 2) the need for participation of the school committee in managing learning resources according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in small schools under the Samut Songkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office in overall, the practice was at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE ELECTRONIC BOOK BY USING FLIPPED LEARNING CONCEPT TO ENHANCE CHINESE LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS FOR GRADE 5 STUDENTS OF RATCHAWAT WITTHAYA SCHOOL 2023-10-31T15:58:50+07:00 Piti Saovaparkpurk Nattaphon Rampai Boonrat Plangsorn <p>This research article is about the development of listening and speaking abilities in the Chinese language using a flipped learning approach, which emphasizes the importance of learners. The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) To develop electronic books (e-books) along with the flipped learning concept to enhance the quality and effectiveness of listening and speaking abilities according to the 80/80 criteria. 2) To study the listening and speaking abilities in the Chinese language after using e-books. 3) To examine the learning performance before and after using e-books. 4) To assess learner satisfaction with e-books. The target group for this research consisted of 22 fifth-grade students from Ratchawat Witthaya School. In the first semester of the 2023 academic year, the research followed an experimental approach, using the following research tools: 1) Interactive e-books 2) Quality assessment forms 3) Satisfaction questionnaires 4) Statistical tools for data analysis, including mean and standard deviation The research findings revealed: 1) The e-books, as evaluated by experts, were of very high quality, with an average score of 4.44 for content and 4.91 for media quality. They were also effective, scoring 80.27/84.54, meeting the predefined criteria of 80/80. 2) Students' listening and speaking abilities in the Chinese language improved significantly after using the e-books. 3) Student learning performance after using e-books was statistically significantly higher compared to their scores before using them (at the 0.05 significance level). 4) Students expressed the highest level of satisfaction with the e-books, with an average score of 4.91.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU DEVELOPMENT OF PARTICIPATORY LEARNING RESOURCES MODEL IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS TO PROMOTE ACTIVE LEARNING AND ENHANCE LIFE SKILLS OF STUDENTS AT THA KHLONG 1 MUNICIPAL SCHOOL 2024-04-13T09:28:05+07:00 Surasssawadee Yansiri <p>This research article was the development of a learning resource model in participatory educational institutions to promote active learning and increase students' life skills at Tha Khlong 1 Municipality School. The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze the current conditions, problems, and needs in developing a model of learning resources in a participatory educational institution, 2) to develop a learning resource model in participatory educational institution, 3) to carry out an experiment with the learning resource model in participatory educational institutions and 4) to evaluate the results of the learning resource model in participatory educational institutions by using Research and Development: R&amp;D. The research had procedure due to conducted into 4 steps as follows: Step 1: Research (Research: R<sub>1</sub>), to analyze the current condition, needs, problems and to develop a model of learning resources in educational institutions. Step 2: Development (Development: D<sub>1</sub>), to develop a model of learning resources in educational institutions. Step 3: Research (Research: R<sub>2</sub>), to carry out an experiment model of learning resources as participatory educational institutions and step 4: Development (Development: D<sub>2</sub>), evaluate (Evaluation: E) of development and improvement of learning resource formats in educational institutions with participation to promote active learning and increase students' life skills. The findings were as follows: 1) the results of analysis of current conditions, problems, and needs in developing learning resource models in participatory educational institutions found out that studying problems including needs and requirements. The participants were informed about the development of the model under the actions; principles, objectives, mechanisms, processes, evaluation, and the condition of success as participated in planning and determining the work strategy for developing learning resources, including study observing a model school for organizing activities to develop learning resources in educational institutions, consultation to brainstorm and discuss current conditions, problems, needs, and development guidelines, seeking outside cooperation to give information on the operations to the co-researchers to have the same understanding, together with obtaining development guidelines through practicing activities to develop a learning resource model. Furthermore methods for evaluating results, monitoring, evaluating, and evaluating compliance, development activities were carried out periodically and summarized for reporting/publication in order to extend the results by summarizing the results, developing learning resources and reporting results to the original affiliation. 2) The results of developing learning resource models in participatory educational institutions had 6 components: (1) A survey of community participation (Community: C), (2) Problem conditions and needs (Assessing Need: A), (3) Planning (Planning: P), (4) Operation (Doing: D), (5) Evaluation (Evaluation: E), (6) Reporting/Publishing results (Reporting: R) (CAPDER Model) which consisted of principles, objectives, and operating mechanisms to proceed evaluation and success conditions. 3) The results of the experiment using the model for developing participatory learning resources in educational institutions. According to observation and interviews, found out that the participants and all associates had likewise opinions and cooperated very well. Furthermore, they worked on their pride and executive improve his leadership skills. Moreover, teachers had a variety of approaches and methods for organizing and learning that emphasized learner-centered learning. Therefore, students improved their learning and life skills. 4) The evaluation of the model for developing learning resources in participatory educational institutions to promote organizing active learning and increasing students' life skills found out that the overall to promote active learning and students’ life skills were both at the highest level. Moreover, the overall of the satisfaction of development model participatory learning resources in educational institutions to promote management, learning proactively and increase students' life skills was also at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MODEL FOR THE CIVILIZED AGRICULTURE CURRICULUM: CONTINUING, MAINTAINING, EXTENSION RELATED TO THE ROYAL VIEW IN AN ECONOMIC SUFFICIENCY BASED ON “KOK NONG NA” WITH KINDNESS AND HOPE, FOR STUDENT QUALITY DEVELOPMENT IN RAJAPRAJANUGROH 39 SCHOOL, NARATHIWAT UNDER THE SPECIAL EDUCATION BUREAU 2024-04-14T12:30:50+07:00 Nusee Madeng <p>The objective of this research article was to develop the management of development model for the civilized agriculture curriculum: continuing, maintaining, extension related to the royal view in an economic sufficiency based on “Kok Nong Na” with kindness and hope, for student quality development in Rajaprajanugroh 39 School, Narathiwat under the Special Education Bureau. The research procedure was divided into 4 phases. Phases: 1) to study the present circumstance and guidelines of the civilized agriculture curriculum Management. Phases: 2) to develop the model for the civilized agriculture curriculum, Phases: 3) to study the results of the experiment using the model for the smart civilized agriculture curriculum and phases: 4) to evaluate the satisfaction of users of the management of development model for the civilized agriculture curriculum. The sample group used in the quantitative study was the deputy director, 141 school teachers, and the qualitative research informants were Group 1: 2 school administrators, 2 learning center advisors, 1 representative of local philosophers and another group was assessing the satisfaction of 156 students in Mathayomsuksa 4-6 of Ratchaprachanukroh School 39, Narathiwat Province. The research tools were questionnaires, interviews, satisfaction assessment forms then data were analyzed using basic statistics and content analysis. The results of the research found that: 1) Overall management conditions of the civilized agriculture curriculum were practiced at a high level. 2) The results of the development of the administrative model for the Agricultural Civilization Curriculum consisted of 3 components: Component 1: management of development model for the civilized agriculture curriculum: continuing, maintaining, extension related to the royal view in an economic sufficiency based on “Kok Nong Na” with kindness and hope, namely (1) the continuation side had 10 indicators, (2) treatment side had 7 indicators, (3) expansion side had 7 indicators. Component 2: The administrative process of the civilized agriculture curriculum was (1) planning had 7 indicators, (2) organizing had 6 indicators, (3) leading had 6 indicators, (4) controlling had 7 indicators. Component 3 was the creation of a collaborative network and the results of the trial of the model were that students received awards for learner quality, including (1) Academics, the secondary school level used the civilized agriculture curriculum, type B model, 2) Professional aspect: having skills in taking action until it was effective and applying knowledge to solve problems, skills in transferring knowledge of farmers way of life according to the learning center where the school had organized in order to lead to practice that was abstract practice to community and society, 3) Life subjects: having a good attitude towards the royal initiative, having morality, ethics, be grateful and responsible. 3) The results of the satisfaction assessment of users of the civilized agriculture curriculum management model, including the deputy director, teachers and personnel, and students were at the highest level of satisfaction in both groups.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE EFFECTS OF CIRC COOPERATIVE LEARNING SUPPLEMENTED WITH GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS ON THAI READING FOR MAIN IDEA SKILLS OF PRATHOMSUKSA 5 STUDENTS 2023-09-10T17:41:39+07:00 Rungrat Nuntakul Sasipong Srisawat <p>The objectives of this research were 1) to compare the thai reading for main idea skills of Prathomsuksa 5 Students before and after learning with CIRC cooperative learning supplemented with graphic layout 2) to compare the thai reading for main idea skills after learning of Prathomsuksa 5 students who were taught by CIRC cooperative learning supplemented by graphical charts and normal methods. The sample group consisted of elementary school students. 5 Ban Mak Khaeng School Under the Office of Udon Thani Primary Educational Service Area, Region 1, in the first semester of the academic year 2023, there are 44 students. It was obtained from Cluster Random Sampling. The control group managed the learning in a normal way. The instrument used for data collection was a Thai reading comprehension test. It is a multiple-choice test, multiple choice, 4 choices, 40 items. Data analysis is by means of mean, percentage, standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested with an independent group t-test. The research results showed that. 1) The students who were taught by CIRC cooperative learning supplemented with graphic diagrams had higher reading comprehension skills in Thai after learning than before. The teaching using the CIRC cooperative learning model supplemented with graphical charts before learning had an average of 19.18, after learning had an average of 32.14. 2) The importance of Thai language after learning was higher than before learning at the statistically significant level of .05. and Students who are taught by CIRC cooperative learning are supplemented with graphical diagrams. Their reading comprehension ability in Thai after learning was higher than the normal method with statistical significance at the .05 level.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE DEVELOPMENT OF LITERACY AND CREATIVITY IN GEOGRAPHY ON ROO LONG TONG THAI BY PHENOMENON – BASED LEARNING WITH GEOINFORMATICS OF SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS 2023-12-29T11:44:26+07:00 Sumonta Limnuchsawart Kanlaya Tienwong Manasanan Namsomboon <p>The objective of this research was 1) to compare the literacy in geography of sixth grade students before and after using Phenomenon-based Learning with GIScience. 2) to compare the creative thinking in geography of sixth grade students before and after using Phenomenon-based Learning with Geoinformatics and 3) to study the opinions of grade 6 students gained using Phenomenon-based Learning with Geoinformatics. The sample of this research consisted of 37 Grade 6 students in the Junkrajung room, studying in the second semester of the academic year 2022 The demonstration school of Silpakorn University (Early Childhood and Elementary). This research instruments consisted of 1) the unit learning plan using Phenomenon-based Learning with Geoinformatics. 2) the literacy in geography measurement tool. 3) the creative thinking in geography measurement tool and 4) the opinion of grade 6 students after using Phenomenon-based Learning with Geoinformatics measurement tool. The data were analyzed by arithmetic mean standard deviation t-test for dependent and content analysis. The research findings were summarized as follows: 1) The literacy in geography on the knowledge about Thailand Roo Long thong Thai leaning unit of sixth grade students gained after using Phenomenon-based Learning with Geoinformatics were higher than before leaning at.05 2) The creative thinking in geography on the knowledge about Thailand Roo Long thong Thai leaning unit of sixth grade students gained after using Phenomenon-based Learning with Geoinformatics were higher than before leaning at.05 3) The opinion of sixth grade students gained after using Phenomenon-based Learning with Geoinformatics were at highest agreement level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU MANAGEMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR COMMUNICATION ACCORDING TO THE SCHOOL’S INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH PROFICIENCY STANDARD FRAMEWORK UNDER THE CHACHOENGSAO SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2024-04-23T10:14:40+07:00 Sanit Loykaew Narong Pimsarn Sawien Jenkwao <p>The objective of this research article was to study the management of English language learning for communication according to the school’ international English proficiency standard framework under the Chachoengsao Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The research method consisted of 3 steps: Step 1: Study the conditions and guidelines for managing English language learning for communication according to the school's international English proficiency standard framework. Step 2: Develop and examine the model. Step 3: Test and evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of the model. Using a questionnaire with a sample of 306 school administrators and teachers, developing and validating the model with 5 informants, and step 3, testing and evaluating feasibility and usefulness from the sample group of 15 directors, deputy director of academic affairs and head teachers of the foreign language department. Statistics used in data analysis included percentages, means, standard deviations, and content analysis. Summary of the research results found that the management model for English language learning for communication following the school's international English proficiency standard framework under the Chachoengsao Secondary Educational Service Area Office, it consisted of 2 components: 1) organizing English language learning for communication according to the international English proficiency standard framework, 2) POLC management process and having results of feasibility assessment and usefulness of using the model was overall possible and useful at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU AN INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT RELATING TO THE MINISTERIAL REGULATIONS EDUCATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE B.E. 2561 OF SCHOOLS UNDER THE OFFICE OF SAMUT PRAKAN SECONDARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA 2024-04-22T09:35:04+07:00 Kaweewat Leuchailam Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study an internal quality assurance management relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561 of schools under the office of Samut Prakan Secondary Education Service Area. It was a mixed research study with three steps: 1) studying the conditions and guidelines for an internal quality assurance management relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561, 2) developing a model for an internal quality assurance management relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561 of schools under the office of Samut Prakan Secondary Education Service Area, and 3) trialing and evaluation of the model. The sample group used in the quantitative research was 24 educational institution directors, 24 deputy directors of educational institutions in academic administration group, 24 teachers assigned to be responsible for internal quality assurance, a total of 72 people, and data providers in qualitative research, including school administrators, educational supervisors, and assigned teachers, a total of 9 people. Tools used in the research were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, satisfaction assessment form using the format applying basic statistics and content analysis. The research results found that the internal quality assurance management relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561 of schools under the office of Samut Prakan Secondary Education Service Area had 3 components: 1) Component of an internal quality assurance had 7 indicators. 2) Component of the administrative process (K-PDCA) in 5 steps: (1) Providing knowledge (Knowledge: K), (2) Planning (Plan: P), (3) Executing the plan (Do: D), (4) Inspection (Check: C) and (5) Correction and improvement (Act: A). 3) Component of an internal quality assurance management relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561, there were 3 standards and the results of the model evaluation found that satisfaction assessment in overall was at a high level of practice, and the format was at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE LESSON BY USING CASE-BASED LEARNING THAT ENHANCES DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE FOR VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE STUDENT 2023-11-03T10:19:49+07:00 Chalobol Plengsri Sutithep Siripipattanakul Nattaphon Rampai <p>The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) To develop the online lessons by using case-based learning for enhances digital intelligence of vocational certificate student to be good quality level. 2) To study the results of enhances digital intelligence of vocational certificate student that are learned with online lessons by using case-based learning. 3) To compare the results of enhances digital intelligence of vocational certificate student that are learned with online lessons by using case-based learning with the criteria of 70 percent. 4) To study the satisfaction of student with online lessons by using case-based learning. The research followed an experimental approach, using the following research tools: 1) Lesson plan 2) Online lessons 3) Case studies 4) Post-test form 5) Quality assessment form 6) Satisfaction questionnaires. The statistics for data analysis, including mean and standard deviation (S.D.) and percentage. The research findings revealed: 1) Online lessons by using case-based learning for enhances digital intelligence of vocational certificate students that evaluated by content expert and media expert were a very good quality. 2) The results of strengthening digital intelligence found that the individual digital intelligence scores are between 70.61 - 81.52 percent, and group digital intelligence scores are between 73.08 - 88.46 percent, passed the standard criteria. 3) The results of comparing students' digital intelligence with the criteria of 70 percent found that the students had an average individual digital intelligence accounting for 74.71 percent and the mean score for each group accounting for 80.23 percent, higher than the standard criteria that the researchers set at the .01 significance level, and 4) Students expressed the highest level of satisfaction with the online lessons by using case-based learning.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU APPLICATION OF THE CIPP EVALUATION MODEL FOR EVALUATING THE LEARNING RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS TO PROMOTE SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING FOR STUDENTS OF THA KHLONG 1 MUNICIPAL SCHOOL, UNDER THA KHLONG MUNICIPALITY, KHLONG LUANG DISTRICT, PATHUM THANI PROVINCE 2024-04-13T09:25:11+07:00 Surasssawadee Yansiri <p>This research article on an application of the CIPP evaluation model for evaluating the learning resource development project in educational institutions to promote self-directed learning for students of Tha Khlong 1 Municipal School, under Tha Khlong Municipality, Khlong Luang District, Pathum Thani Province had the objectives as follows; 1) to evaluate the suitability in the context of evaluating the project to develop learning resources in educational institutions to promote learning management for student self-development, 2) to evaluate the suitability in terms of the preliminary factors of evaluating the project to develop learning resources in educational institutions to promote learning management for student self-development, 3) to evaluate the appropriateness of the process of evaluating learning resource development projects in educational institutions to promote learning management for students' self-development, and 4) to evaluate the appropriateness of the output of the evaluation of the project to develop learning resources in educational institutions to promote learning management for student self-development. It was a qualitative research in evaluation research type by using the CIPP evaluation model, with research steps, the evaluator selected Stuffelbeam's CIPP model by considering impact, which would evaluate the project's consistency in various aspects as follows: (1) Context evaluation, which included evaluating the consistency between the project's objectives and the Ministry of Interior policies and school policies. (2) Evaluation of preliminary factors, including the evaluation of the appropriateness of personnel, budget, materials, equipment, time and place used to achieve the objectives. (3) Evaluation of the project implementation process, including project management assessment, school cooperation, community leader cooperation, government cooperation and private agencies. (4) Product evaluation included evaluating the results of operations, personnel satisfaction and those involved with the project. Summary of research findings: 1) Evaluating the suitability in the context of evaluating the project to develop learning resources in educational institutions to promote learning management for students' self-development, after the project, teachers' opinions were at the highest level which passed the evaluation criteria. 2) Evaluating the appropriateness of the preliminary factors for evaluating the project to develop learning resources in educational institutions to promote learning management for student self-development, after implementing the project, teachers' opinions were at the highest level which passed the evaluation criteria. 3) Evaluation of suitability in terms of the process of evaluating learning resource development projects in educational institutions to promote learning management for student self-development, after implementing the project, teachers' opinions were at the highest level which passed the evaluation criteria. And .4) evaluating the appropriateness of the output of the evaluation of the project to develop learning resources in educational institutions to promote learning management for student self-development, after implementing the project, teachers' opinions were at the highest level and students' opinions were at the highest level which passed the evaluation criteria.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU MATHEMATICS LEARNING MANAGEMENT FOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS UNDER KRABI PROVINCIAL EDUCATION OFFICE 2024-04-21T14:49:51+07:00 Amnat Wattanakornsiri Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Nakamon Bunchakettikul <p>The objective of this research article was to study the management of new mathematics learning methods at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office. It was a combined research method between quantitative research and qualitative research. The research method consisted of 3 steps: Step 1: Study the conditions, problems, and management approaches for new mathematics learning at the primary level of private schools. Using questionnaires from a sample of 169 people and interviews with 6 key informants. Step 2: Develop a new mathematics learning management model at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office by interviewing with a semi-structured interview with 5 experts with a specific selection, and step 3, trial and evaluate the model with a sample group of 40 school directors, head teachers, and mathematics teachers. Quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations and qualitative data analysis using content analysis. The research results found that a new mathematics learning management model at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office, there were 3 components: Component 1: Organizing new mathematics learning methods at the primary level of private schools under the Office of Education Krabi Province, Component 2: POLC management process, Component 3: Factors promoting new mathematics learning management at the primary level of private schools. The results of evaluating the feasibility and usefulness of using the model in overall, it was at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU USING GAMIFICATION TO DEVELOP ENGLISH VOCABULARY LEARNING ABILITY FOR MATHAYOMSUKSA 1 STUDENTS 2023-09-13T20:41:58+07:00 Wijitkhae Chenparamakit Wiparat Moosikajaroen Nopphawan Chimroylarp <p>The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop English vocabulary learning ability for Mathayomsuksa 1 students by using gamification and 2) study Mathayomsuksa 1 students’ satisfaction towards English vocabulary learning by using gamification. This research was an quasi-experimental research based on one-group pretest-posttest design. The research instruments were: 1) lesson plans of English vocabulary learning by using gamification 2) the pre-test and post-test for English vocabulary 3) a satisfaction questionnaire towards English vocabulary learning by using gamification. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation (S.D.) and t-test for dependent samples. The research results were: 1) The students’ English vocabulary learning ability by using gamification were significantly higher than before at the .05 level. 2) The students’ satisfaction towards English vocabulary learning by using gamification were at high level.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU STUDY THE CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR COMMUNICATE ACCORDING TO THE SCHOOL'S INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH PROFICIENCY STANDARD FRAMEWORK UNDER THE CHACHOENGSAO SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2024-04-23T10:09:49+07:00 Sanit Loykaew Narong Pimsarn Sawien Jenkwao <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the conditions and guidelines for managing English language learning for communication according to the school's international English proficiency standard framework under the Chachoengsao Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The research method consisted of 1) studying documents and research related to the management of English language learning for communication according to the international English language proficiency standard framework, 2) studying empirical data on the management conditions for organizing English language learning for communication according to the school's international English proficiency standard framework. Using a questionnaire with a sample group of 306 educational institution administrators and teachers in the academic year 2022, 3) studying guidelines for managing English language learning for communication according to the school's international English proficiency standard framework with a group interview with 6 informants. The results of the research found that 1) the condition of managing English language learning for communication according to the school's international English proficiency standard framework under the Chachoengsao Secondary Educational Service Area Office in overall and each aspect had a high level of practice in all 6 areas. 2) Guidelines for managing English language learning for communication according to the school's international English proficiency standard framework under the Chachoengsao Secondary Educational Service Area Office, these were the components of English learning management for communication according to the school's international English proficiency standard framework under the Chachoengsao Secondary Educational Service Area Office, all 6 aspects were 1) English curriculum, 2) organizing learning activities, 3) measurement and evaluation, 4) innovative media/information, 5) organizing learning resources, 6) organizing learning atmosphere and management processes included 1) Planning, 2) Organizing, 3) Leading, and 4) Controlling.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES OF AN INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT RELATING TO THE MINISTERIAL REGULATIONS EDUCATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE B.E. 2561 OF SCHOOLS UNDER THE OFFICE OF SAMUT PRAKAN SECONDARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA 2024-04-22T09:38:56+07:00 Kaweewat Leuchailam Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The objective of this research article was to study the conditions and guidelines of an internal quality assurance management relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561 of schools under the office of Samut Prakan Secondary Education Service Area, proceed as follows: 1) Using a questionnaire regarding the condition of an internal quality assurance management. The sample group in the research included 24 educational institution directors, 24 deputy directors of educational institutions in academic administration group, 24 teachers assigned to be responsible for internal quality assurance, totaling 72 people, were obtained by Stratified Random Sampling. The sample size was determined using the sample size determination table of Krejcie &amp; Morga's then analyzed data with basic statistics, namely percentage, mean, and standard deviation. 2) Study guidelines for the management of an internal quality assurance at the basic education level by using group interviews with 9 key informants, data were analyzed using content analysis. The results of the research found that: 1) Conditions of an internal quality assurance management relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561 of schools under the office of Samut Prakan Secondary Education Service Area in overall, there was at a high level of practice. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in every aspect. Arranged from highest to lowest, the top 3 were quality assurance operations within educational institutions. Creating educational development plans for educational institutions focusing on quality according to educational standards and setting the educational standards of educational institutions and success target values. 2) Guidelines for operating according to quality assurance standards within educational institutions relating to the Ministerial Regulations Educational Quality Assurance B.E. 2561 of schools under the office of Samut Prakan Secondary Education Service Area, consisting of management guidelines, Standard 1: Quality of learners, Standard 2: Administrative and management processes, Standard 3: Teaching and learning processes focusing on learners as important.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT ACADEMIC ADVISING SYSTEM BY CHATBOT THROUGH CLOUD TECHNOLOGY FOR REQUEST SUBMISSION OF GRAUATE STUDIES, KASETSART UNIVERSITY 2023-11-09T19:21:54+07:00 Pantorn Purahong Sutithep Siripipattanakul Boonrat Plangsorn <p>The purposes of this research were to: 1) Develop the of student academic advising system by chatbot through cloud technology for request submission of Graduate Studies, Kasetsart University. 2) Study the satisfaction of Graduate Studies of student academic advising system by chatbot through cloud technology for request submission. and 3) Study opinions of Graduate Studies of student academic advising system by chatbot through cloud technology for request submission. Research and development in educational innovation. The sample group in this research was the Graduate Studies of Educational Communications and Technology, Kasetsart University of 26 people with the purposive sampling method. The tools of this research include to: 1) Student academic advising system by chatbot through cloud technology for request submission. 2) A satisfaction assessment form. And 3) Opinions interview form. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results revealed that: Student academic advising system by chatbot through cloud technology for request submission consists of 4 main functions were: 1) Request submission. 2) Example of writing the request submission. 3) Student academic advising for request submission. and 4) Submission and follow-up for request submission. The results of Student academic advising system by chatbot through cloud technology for request submission revealed that: 1) The content quality assessment was at good level and the media quality assessment was at very good level. The satisfaction result was at very good level and 3) Result of the opinions assessment was at very good level, It was found that the system is easy to use, convenient, efficient, and using anytime anywhere. It systematically organizes and categorizes application forms comprehensively. Can respond accurately to user always needs. Moreover, allows quick links to relevant websites.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU A DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF A LEARNING ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOLS UNDER THE LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION 2024-04-12T13:18:50+07:00 Phramaha Yannawat Thitavaddhano Sukpinya Srikomthai PhramahaSuchaikon Sitthimethi Sanya Phongsrida Natnicha Pannipa Manassanan Boonpoo <p>The purpose of this research article was to develop a learning organization development model for schools under the local administrative organization, there were 3 steps: Step 1: studied the educational management of schools using interviews with 15 key informants, Step 2: studied the methods for developing the learning organization of schools using a seminar with 12 experts, step 3: developing a learning organization development model for schools under the local administrative organization by organizing a group discussion with 7 experts. The results found that the model for developing the learning organization of schools under the local administrative organization, divided into 2 components: Component 1: Guidelines for developing educational management of schools under the local administrative organizations in 5 areas included 1) promoting educational management of schools, 2) promoting child development centers that met international standards, 3) promoting learning resources, 4) promoting religion preserve and perpetuate arts, culture, customs and local wisdom, 5) promoting sports and recreation and Component 2: the process of developing the learning organization of schools under the local administrative organization in 5 aspects included 1) self-knowledge, 2) creating thought patterns, 3) creating a shared vision, 4) learning together as a team, 5) thinking systematically.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU CONDITIONS, PROBLEMS, AND GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING NEW MATHEMATICS LEARNING AT THE PRIMARY LEVEL OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS UNDER THE KRABI PROVINCIAL EDUCATION OFFICE 2024-04-21T14:54:21+07:00 Amnat Wattanakornsiri Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Nakamon Bunchakettikul <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the conditions, problems, and management approaches for new mathematics learning at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office. The research methods were as follows: 1) Study the conditions, problems, and management of new mathematics learning at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office using a questionnaire with a sample group which was the school directors, head teachers, and mathematics teachers of a private school, elementary level under the Krabi Provincial Education Office, a total of 169 people from 37 schools then analyzed the data with basic statistics, including percentages, means, and standard deviations. 2) Study of the new methods for managing mathematics learning at the primary level of private schools by interviewing 6 key informants by selected specifically, namely private school directors in elementary level under the Krabi Provincial Education Office, then data were analyzed using content analysis. The results of the research found that 1) Problems of managing new mathematics learning at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office in overall, the practice was at a high level and 2) new mathematics learning management guidelines at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office, including components of new mathematics learning management at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office, all 6 aspects were (1) curriculum, (2) organizing learning activities, (3) learning media/information technology innovation, (4) measurement and evaluation, (5) organizing learning resources, (6) Organizing a learning atmosphere and the 4-step management process was (1) Planning, (2) Organizing, (3) Leading, and (4) Controlling.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL THINKING ABILITY AND TEAMWORK AND COLLABORATION OF LOWER SECONDARY STUDENTS USING 5 STEPS COLLABORATIVE LEARNING PROCESS 2023-10-04T00:06:39+07:00 Athiwat Simboot Pornthep Chantraukrit <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of organizing learning using a 5-step collaborative learning process on plants and plant life on analytical thinking ability and teamwork and collaboration of Mathayom 1 students. It is also to study practices in learning management using the 5-step collaborative learning process by collecting data from the analytical thinking ability test, teamwork and collaboration assessment, post-teaching recording form of teacher and student diary forms.The target group is 39 Mathayom 1 students. The research found that students had higher analytical thinking ability after studying, with a statistical significance of .05. The results of the assessment of teamwork and collaboration increased. At the end of the operating cycle, it was found that the evaluation results were at a very good level, accounting for 94.87 percent, and a good level, accounting for 5.13 percent. To practices in learning management, teachers should present stimulants or situations to stimulate interest that are consistent with students' daily lives or previous experiences. Teachers should also design activities that encourage students to brainstorm and exchange opinions through activities such as using sticky notes to write brainstorming ideas. Furthermore, there should be competitive activities with positive reinforcement including team testing at the end of the lesson. Students should be able to practice and express their opinions as well as summarize their knowledge and present it in an exhibition in front of the class and/ or present work in front of the class. Students should also participate in selecting group members.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU A MODEL OF BALANCED SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION ACCORDING TO THE THREEFOLD TRAINING OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE OFFICE OF PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA 2024-04-13T10:10:21+07:00 Anisa Sangcharoen Rawing Ruangsanka Peravat Chaisuk <p>The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the present states and problems of balance school administration under the office of primary education, 2) to develop a model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school administrators under the office of primary education service area, and 3) to propose the model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school administrators under the office of primary education service area. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The quantitative research, the samples consisting data were collected from 397 samples consisting of school directors, deputy directors and teachers by using questionnaires then data were analyzed by content analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The qualitative research by documentary study, purposive in-depth interviews with 5 experts, focus group discussions with 9 experts and experiment the model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school by seminar. The research instruments were documentary study form, questionnaire, interview form, group discussion form and model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school administrators form. The results of the study found that: 1) The need of balanced school administration of school administrators, the highest need was a good physical and mental health. 2) Development of a balanced school administration model according to the principles of the Threefold Training of school administrators: the highest level was on utility, propriety, accuracy and feasibility, respectively. The results from the model tryout were suitable in all aspects. 3) The model of balanced school administration according to the principles of the Threefold Training of school administrators under the office of the primary educational service area consisted of 4 components. They were: (1) Principle; significance of work balance and the principles of the Threefold Training in school work development for effectiveness and happiness in school, (2) Objective; significance of personnel to work with happiness, (3) Process; a guideline of balanced school administration integrated with the principles of the Threefold Training, and (4) Evaluation; presenting the results of model tryout from a seminar. The explicit knowledge in form of language obtained from the study was concluded into H&amp;M FRATS – Mcow for the benefit of school administration.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TO CREATE A MODERN LEARNING SOCITY IN SOUTHERN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE: REGION 1 2024-04-23T17:28:27+07:00 Suthasinee Kongthong Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>This research article aimed to study the management of vocational education in order to create a modern learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institute: region 1, with a research method of 3 steps: Step 1: Current conditions, necessary needs, and guidelines for the management of vocational education to create a modern learning society in Southern Vocational Education Institutions: region 1, using a questionnaire from a sample group of 223 college directors, college deputy director, head of department and head of division, Step 2: Create and check the form by in-depth interviews with 5 experts and step 3, trial and evaluation of the usefulness of the model with an evaluation form with a sample group of 30 college directors and deputy directors. Statistics used in data analysis were basic statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNI values. Moreover, qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The research results found that the vocational education management model to create a modern learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institute: region 1, there were 2 components: 1) Vocational education management to create a modern learning society in southern vocational education institutions: region 1 had 5 aspects: systems thinking, learning dynamics, learning together as a team, knowledge management and transfer, use of technology and communication. 2) Management process in 4 aspects: planning, organization, implementation, and controlling. The result of evaluating the usefulness of implementing the model in overall was at a high level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MANAGEMENT IN THE INNOVATION AREA: A CASE STUDY OF RAYONG TECHNICAL COLLEGE 2024-04-16T17:54:05+07:00 Charin Choochue Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study vocational education management in the area of educational innovation: a case study of Rayong Technical College. It was a combined research method between quantitative research and qualitative research. The research steps included: 1) to study the conditions and management guidelines for vocational education in the educational innovation area: a case study of Rayong Technical College by using a questionnaire with a sample of 350 people and interviewing 9 key informants, 2) to develop and examine a vocational education management model in the educational innovation area: a case study of Rayong Technical College by interviewing 5 experts 3) to test and evaluate the model, the questionnaire was used with a sample of 15 people through purposive selection. Quantitative data were analyzed with basic statistics such as percentages, averages, and standard deviations and qualitative data analysis using content analysis. The research results found that the vocational education administration model in the educational innovation area: a case study of Rayong Technical College had 3 components: Component 1: Educational management in the educational innovation area consisting of 7 aspects; 1) innovative leadership, 2) innovation plan management, 3) organizational partnership management, 4) innovator development, 5) organizational competency management, <br />6) innovation base management, 7) systematic innovation. Component 2: College development factors in the educational innovation area, consisting of 2 aspects, 1) administrators, 2) school development strategies in the educational innovation area. Component 3: Management Process (POLC), consisting of 4 steps; 1) Planning, 2) Organizing, 3) Leading, and 4) Controlling. The results of evaluating the feasibility and benefit of the vocational education management model in the area of educational innovation: a case study of Rayong Technical College in overall, it was at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU NETWORK BUILDING, INNOVATION AREA FOR LEARNING THE BUDDHIST WAY OF LIFE 2024-04-12T15:17:30+07:00 Kasem Saengnont Somsak Boonpoo PhrakhruPhattharathammakhun PhramahaChamnan Mahachano Thongdee Sritragarn Prawit Chaisuk Waree Soktai <p class="175">The objectives of this research article were to 1) Analyze the network building of the Buddhist learning innovation areas. 2) Develop a model for network building of the Buddhist learning innovation areas. 3) Study and evaluate the results of network building of the Buddhist learning innovation areas. It was qualitative research by studying documents, and group discussion interviews with administrators, teachers, parents, students, temples and communities, and students who were in a network of Buddhist learning innovation areas, 351 people, using small group discussions to confirm the data. There were 13 key informant administrators, faculty, staff, and students in the Faculty of Education and those involved in network building of the Buddhist learning innovation areas. The researcher analyzed the data by focusing on the analysis obtained from summarizing the content, analyzing and synthesizing the data and then writing a descriptive narrative. The results of the research found that: 1) network building of the Buddhist learning innovation areas, including creating inspiration for innovation in the Buddhist way, innovation training, strengthening innovation potential, and promoting investment in innovation. 2) The model for network building of the Buddhist learning innovation areas had 4 dimensions: (1) organizing basic life activities, (2) the working network dimension, (3) the target group dimension creating a collaborative working network, and (4) creating a network of Buddhist innovations. This research emphasized on integration according to the three principles of morality, concentration, and wisdom as a base. Learning through activities to develop students in 4 areas, including social networks, mental network, intellectual network, and the physical network. 3) Evaluate the results of creating a network of Buddhist learning innovation areas. There were 3 phases: the phase before network creation, the implementation phase, and the period after operation.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE TO ENHANCE THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER’S COMPETENCY BY PROVIDING AN ACTIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE PROCESSING SKILLS FOR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS UNDER SARABURI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 1 2024-04-16T00:02:18+07:00 Jirapron Inprom Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The objective of this research article was to study school administration that promotes kindergarten teachers' competency in organizing active learning experiences to develop kindergarten students’ science processing skills under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. It was a combined methods research with a 3-step research method: Step 1: Studying the needs for development that promotes the competency of kindergarten teachers in organizing active learning experiences to develop kindergarten students’ science processing skills under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The questionnaire was used, the sample group was 92 kindergarten teachers in the school and interviews with 9 key informants. Step 2: Developing the model by interviewing 5 experts. Steps 3: Trialing and evaluating the model from a sample of 6 people selected purposively. Analyzing quantitative data with basic statistics such as percentages, averages, and standard deviations and qualitative data analysis using content analysis. The research results found that the school administration model promoted the competency of kindergarten teachers in organizing active learning experiences to develop the science processing skills of kindergarten students under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, it consisted of 3 components; Component 1: organizing English learning for communication according to the international English proficiency standard framework, 4 competencies, consisting of <br />1) competency in organizing experiences had 7 indicators, 2) Competency in knowledge development had 7 indicators, 3) Competency in human relations had 7 indicators, 4) Competency in participation had 7 indicators. Component 2: The K-POLC management process consisted of 1) Knowledge had 5 indicators, 2) Planning had 5 indicators, 3) Organizing had 5 indicators, 4) Leading had 5 indicators, 5) Controlling had 5 indicators. Component 3: Scientific processing skills, consisting of 6 skills; 1) observation skills, 2) measurement skills, 3) classification skills, 4) organization and interpreting data skills, 5) data annotation skills, and 6) forecasting skills. The results of evaluating the feasibility and usefulness of a school administration model that promoted kindergarten teachers' competency in organizing active learning experiences to develop kindergarten students’ science processing skills under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, overall, it was at the highest level of feasibility and usefulness.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU THE RESULTS OF USING THE PHYSICS TEACHING KIT ON NEWTON IS LAWS OF MOTION, SUPPLEMENTED WITH PROBLEM-SOLVING TECHNIQUES FROM POLYA IS METHOD, FOR FOURTH-YEAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, USING AN INQUIRY-BASED TEACHING APPROACH 2023-10-11T16:38:43+07:00 Anucha Solumpa Sarun Phibanchon Chade Sirisawat <p>The purposes of this research are 1) To study the results of using a physics teaching package on Newton's laws of motion. which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya For Mathayomsuksa 4 students with an investigative teaching method to be effective according to the 80/80 standard. 2) To study the physics scores of students after class with the Physics Teaching Package on Newton's Laws of Motion. which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya for Mathayomsuksa 4 students with an investigative teaching method with before class. 3) To study the physics scores of students after class with the Physics Teaching Package on Newton's Laws of Motion. which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya for Mathayomsuksa 4 students with an investigative teaching method with the specified criteria of 70 percent. 4) To study the students' attitude towards physics after class with the physics teaching package on Newton's Motion. which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya for Mathayomsuksa 4 students with an investigative teaching method with before class. The samples were Mathayomsuksa 4 students, semester 1, academic year 2022, Makutmuang Ratchawittayalai School The samples were randomly selected from one classroom group of 30 students. The research tools were the researcher-created teaching package, the physics learning achievement test, and the physics attitude test. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation. Finding teaching package efficiency Dependent sample t-test. The results showed that 1) Physics Teaching Series on Newton's Laws of Motion which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya For Mathayomsuksa 4 students using the investigative teaching method, the efficiency was 85.56/83.33, which was higher than the standard of 80/80. 2) Physics scores of students after class with the Physics Teaching Package on Newton's Laws of Motion which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya for Mathayomsuksa 4 students with an investigative teaching method higher than before Statistically significant at the .05 level. 3) Physics scores of students after class with the Physics Teaching Package on Newton's Laws of Motion which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya for Mathayomsuksa 4 students with an investigative teaching method Higher than the specified threshold of 70 percent, statistically significant at the .05 level. 4) Students' attitude towards physics after class with physics teaching package on Newton's law of motion which complements the problem solving techniques of Polya for Mathayomsuksa 4 students with an investigative teaching method higher than before Statistically significant at the .05 level.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE BY USING A COMMUNITY-BASED LEARNING STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING PRODUCTIVE COMPETENCE IN MATERIALS AND INNOVATION AMONG STUDENT TEACHERS IN THE 21ST CENTURY 2024-01-19T20:23:32+07:00 Wannapa Khotthaphan Natthitaporn Chatree <p>The objectives of this research were to 1) develop learning management procedure to enhance the productive competence in materials and learning and teaching innovation among student teachers in the 21<sup>st</sup> century by using a community-based learning strategy and 2) develop productive competence in materials and learning and teaching innovation among student teachers in the 21<sup>st</sup> century using a community-based learning strategy. This research study consisted of 4 stages. The first stage focused on education and analysis of basic information. Secondly, it was the development of learning management procedure to enhance the productive competence in materials and learning and teaching innovation among these 21<sup>st</sup> century student teachers. The third stage involved the study of the effectiveness of learning management procedure to enhance the productive competence in materials and learning and teaching innovation among these 21<sup>st</sup> century student teachers. The last stage was the improvement of learning management procedure to enhance the productive competence in materials and learning and teaching innovation among these 21<sup>st</sup> century student teachers. The participants of this study were the student teachers majoring in general science from the Faculty of Education, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, using a convenience sampling method. The results showed that the learning management procedure consisted of 5 stages called PALEC: 1) preparation, 2) analysis of community data, 3) learning management, 4) evaluation and reflection and 5) conclusion to apply. Moreover, the assessment of the appropriateness of the learning management procedure by experts were found appropriate at the highest level with an average of 4.53. Furthermore, the results showed that the productive competence in materials and learning and teaching innovation regarding knowledge, skills and attitudes of student teachers, after employing this learning management procedure, was all significantly higher than before employing this learning management a statistical significance of .01.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU APPROACHES FOR DEVELOPING ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL COLLEGES IN SUPHANBURI PROVINCE BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF WORK SKILLS 2023-06-20T17:08:10+07:00 Kansinee Sanjaingamworapat Nantarat Charoenkul <p>The objectives of this research were: 1) study the current and the desirable states of academic management of vocational colleges in Suphanburi province based on the concept of work skills; 2) study the Modified Priority Need Assessment academic management of Vocational Colleges in Suphanburi province based on the concept of work skills. This study was conducted with descriptive methods. The population were 6 vocational colleges in Suphanburi province. There were 205 informants, including school directors, academic deputy directors, and teachers. The research instruments were the needs assessment questionnaires of academic management of the vocational colleges in Suphanburi province based on the concept of work skills. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNI<sub>modified.</sub>. The results showed that the priority need index overall was 0.398 (PNI<sub>Modified</sub> = 0.398). When analyzed each academic management aspect, curriculum development was the highest priority need index (PNI<sub>Modified</sub> = 0.412) and assessment was the second priority need index (PNI<sub>Modified</sub> = 0.394). The lowest priority need was instruction (PNI<sub>Modified</sub> = 0.389). When considering in terms of work skills, overall, which has the highest priority needs index in three aspects of academic management was workplace skill.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU A STUDY OF THE CURRENT CONDITIONS, ESSENTIAL NEEDS, AND GUIDELINES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TO CREATE A MODERN LEARNING SOCIETY IN SOUTHERN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: REGION 1 2024-04-23T17:24:36+07:00 Suthasinee Kongthong Sowwanee Sikkhabandit Panya Theerawitthayalert <p>The purpose of this research article was to study the current conditions, essential needs and guidelines for managing vocational education to create a modern learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institute: Region 1, with research methods including <br />1) studying the current conditions and essential needs of vocational education management to create a modern learning society in Southern Vocational Education Institute: Region 1 by using a questionnaire for a sample of 223 people, with statistics used in data analysis including percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNI. 2) Study guidelines for vocational education management to create a modern learning society in Southern Vocational Education Institutions: Region 1 with group interviews with 9 key informants. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The results found that 1) Vocational education management to create a modern learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institutions: Region 1, had the current condition overall with practices at a moderate level. There should be a condition where overall there should be practice at the highest level and the overall necessity index value was equal to 0.43. When considering each aspect, it was found that learning together as a team had the highest need value first, followed by the use of technology and communication, learning dynamics, management and knowledge transfer and systems thinking, respectively. 2) Vocational education management guidelines to create a modern learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institute: Region 1, included the components of vocational education management to create a new era learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institute: region 1 in all 5 aspects: systems thinking, Learning dynamics, Learning together as a team, Knowledge management and transfer, Use of technology and communication and management processes (POLC) including Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU