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This research aims to 1) study the level of factors affecting the work culture of nurses at Phyathai Nawamin Hospital and 2) compare the level of factors affecting the work culture of nurses at Phyathai Nawamin Hospital. This research is a survey research using a questionnaire. The sample group used in the research was 113 nurses. The questionnaire had an alpha coefficient of reliability of .835. The data were analyzed using statistics, including percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-way ANOVA. The research results found that 1) the overall opinions on the factors affecting the work culture of nurses at Phyathai Nawamin Hospital were at a high level. When considering each aspect, the opinions were at a high level in all 3 aspects: creative work culture, defensive/inactive work culture, and defensive/aggressive work culture, respectively. 2) The hypothesis testing found that the sample groups with different genders, ages, and work experiences had no different opinions on the work culture of nurses at Phyathai Nawamin Hospital overall, except for marital status. For the recommendations in this research, the executives of Phyathai Nawamin Hospital should have a policy to encourage employees to listen to reason and accept each other, as well as encourage nurses to participate as much as possible in planning their work.
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