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This research aims to 1) study the factors that spark the start of thinking and creating new innovations at the forefront; 2) study the obstacles that may occur while creating innovations and how to overcome them; and 3) study the factors that affect the acceptance of one's own innovations. This is a qualitative research by interviewing key informants, namely, senior executives of organizations in the country's innovation development ecosystem. The research instrument used is an in-depth interview form created by studying documents, theories, and related research as a tool for collecting data, which covers the content and objectives of the study to analyze and synthesize the data obtained from the interviews. The research results 1) The basic factors of innovation development found that it starts with creativity and awareness of problems and obstacles that arise from life. Therefore, innovation creation is a problem-solving method to support changes leading to innovation development to promote and support it in line with the economy and society. Therefore, encouraging people in the country to participate in expressing their thoughts on the development of new innovations and having the government support policies are fundamental factors for faster innovation development. 2) The obstacles that may occur while creating innovations found that the obstacles affecting innovation creation are creating an innovative vision, lack of knowledge and understanding of executives, skills, abilities, and expertise in innovation, lack of personnel participation, and innovative roles and responsibilities. In terms of innovation, rules and regulations that hinder development should be considered because innovation is something new, both at the national or global level. Legal roles should be defined appropriately. 3) Factors that affect acceptance of innovation found that creating acceptance of innovation requires creating attitudes and values to realize the value and importance of innovation development, which leads to the creation of innovative changes at the forefront. The government should adjust the curriculum and teaching to create a change in thinking to appreciate, accept, and promote and support innovative products of Thai people.
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