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This research aims to 1) study the level of motivation in the work of employees of IsoCal Technology Co., Ltd. and 2) compare the motivation in the work of employees of IsoCal Technology Co., Ltd. classified by personal factors. This research is a quantitative research. The research instrument is a questionnaire. The sample group is 95 people. The statistics used for data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The research results showed that 1) the overall level of motivation in the work of employees of the Air Traffic Engineering Department, Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co., Ltd. was at a high level. The highest motivating factor was work achievement. The motivating factors were at a high level in 4 aspects: recognition, nature of work, responsibility, and career advancement. The overall supportive factors were at a high level in 5 aspects: policy and administration, governance and command, interpersonal relations, work environment, salary and benefits. 2) The results of the hypothesis testing on the motivation of employees of the Air Traffic Engineering Department, Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co., Ltd. classified by personal factors shown that employees of different genders were not different in their motivation. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. And employees with different ages, education levels, positions, length of employment, and monthly income had different motivations to work, so the hypothesis was accepted.
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